Linoleic Acid (CLA) as fat burner was discovered some years ago and
caused to scientific
sensation. This fatty acid found in red meat and
cheese showed strong anti-cancer properties. It
was particularly effective in inhibiting breast and
prostate tumors, as well as colorectal, stomach, and
skin cancer, including melanoma.
unsaturated trans fatty acid is found widely found in
beef and dairy fats: whole milk, butter, beef, and lamb
and even in plants like safflowers and sunflowers.
As researches showed CLA cannot be produced by the human
body, but it can be obtained through dairy products.
Many times diet consumers are so busy by
weight loss that they eliminate all kinds of fat from
their diet even the right ones as CLA. Thus they put
their health in great danger because they are not
getting enough Conjugated Linoleic Acid (CLA). In other
words, obesity struggling individuals have to
add more CLA to their diets otherwise they will be
unable to lose weight.
Research on Conjugated Linoleic Acid (CLA)
have conducted that it consists of two kinds of
- one is
responsible for improving the growth of muscle
(feeding muscle),
- the other
one prevents fat storage in the layer of cells
directly beneath the skin.
another words human body is not converting enough
linoleic acid into conjugated Linoleic acid and
thus all dietary fat rather than converted into
muscle will be stored as the physical fat in problem
According research studies CLA was found to
be more strongly anti-carcinogenic than other fatty
acids, CLA even low concentrations significantly
inhibited cancer cell growth. CLA supplementation was
also shown to improve the lean mass to body fat ratio,
decreasing fat deposition, especially on the abdomen,
and enhancing muscle growth.
CLA reduces body fat by enhancing
insulin sensitivity so that fatty acids and glucose can
pass through muscle cell membranes and away from fat
tissue. So muscle to fat ratio is significantly
improved. Compelling evidence indicates that CLA can
promote youthful metabolic function and reduce body fat.
This fatty acid protects against disease with unique
mechanisms and makes CLA to an important
addition to any supplement program.