Your Personal Wedding Weight Loss Plan

Personal Wedding Weight Loss Plan

Planning Weight Loss for Wedding

No two people lose weight in the same way or at the same rate. Therefore you need to take a look at your lifestyle before choosing your wedding weight loss plan.

You want to look at how active you are now and what types of foods you currently eat. Then it will be easier to choose a more suitable wedding weight loss plan.

Physical Activity and Exercising

Exercise is going to help you lose weight faster so if you are currently exercising then you should try to increase the time you spend exercising. Alternatively if you are pressed for time then increasing the intensity of your work out level will work as well.

Being a busy bride to be can be very stressful so making the time to exercise is a great stress reliever and will help you sleep better as well.

For a flatter stomach so you wedding gown will sit perfectly on your body, try doing some additional sit ups three times a week.

If you have a large exercise ball, performing sit ups on here works really well and takes the pressure off of your neck muscles. It is also great fun just trying to keep your balance!

Well Balanced Eating Plan

Your wedding weight loss plan needs to include a healthy menu.

There is no point in going to extreme measures and eating one food only diets. These types of diet plans will leave you feeling tired and make you more susceptible to getting sick.

Becoming sick is something you don’t want with your wedding close at hand.

Make sure to include lots of fresh fruit and vegetables in your diet. These foods help keep your body functioning properly and you will feel less tired.

Fast foods contain so many chemicals and preservatives that you end up feeling sluggish after eating them. Then you just cannot function for the rest of the day and get nothing accomplished.

For your wedding weight loss plan to be effective it must include foods which you enjoy eating. You can easily eat fewer calories when you are eating foods that you like. You can still enjoy a small steak just fill up with less fattening vegetables

Reduce Your Plate Size

Another trick here is to fool your mind into thinking you are eating lots of food.

This can be done by serving your meals on a smaller sized plate.

Your dinner plate will look as though it is heaped with foods but in reality you are eating a lot less.

Drinking Planty of Watter

Also try drinking a big glass of water about twenty minutes before you sit down to eat. This helps to give your stomach a feeling of fullness, so you just can’t eat as much.

Instead of eating desert reach for a piece of fruit or a low fat yogurt, if you feel you must have something after your main meal.

Healthy Food Choices and Lifestyle Adjustments

Making healthy choices along with using a good wedding weight loss plan is the best way to lose those unwanted pounds before your wedding day.

Once you find a good plan customize it to make it personal to you and your dietary needs, and it will be easy to follow.