Why The Best Diets For High Cholesterol Can Only Have A Minimal Impact


While the best diets for high cholesterol are a good idea and help to keep you healthy, they will only lower your cholesterol by a relatively small amount. Find out why here.

The main reason is that only a fifth of your total cholesterol comes from your diet. The rest is manufactured by your liver and it is this area that should become the focus to lower your levels.

An important point to bear in mind is that your total cholesterol levels are not as vital and the balance between your good and bad levels.

You have two types of cholesterol as you are probably aware, the bad type is called LDL as too much of this and you are at risk of a heart attack or stroke.

The good one or HDL lowers your risk of heart disease by clearing up excess LDL and returning it to the liver.

A good ratio is 2:1 LDL to HDL and it is possible to have a high total figure but with a healthy ratio and be less at risk than someone with a lower total and a worse ratio.

One of the best natural ways to lower your high cholesterol is to use a natural supplement. These have been shown in clinical trials to work as well as statin drugs but without the serious side effects.

Some of the best ingredients are Policosanol, D-Limonene, Theaflavins, Phytosterols and Rice Bran oil. These combine to lower your bad levels and raise your good ones to help you maintain a natural and healthy balance.

They are able to do this by lowering the production of cholesterol in the body, reducing the absorption of it into the gut and dissolving cholesterol particles.

Using natural ingredients like these ensures your levels are properly balanced. Statin drugs for example can lower your cholesterol too much which can also result in serious health conditions.

As you can see, while the best diets for high cholesterol are useful, they are only one small piece of the puzzle and other ingredients are needed to protect your health and maintain the right levels.