Why Stress Causes Weight Gain

Hectic Lifestyle And Weight Gain

Weight Gain and Stress

If you’re constantly put under high levels of stress it can have really harmful effects on your health one being weight gain, but stress will always be a natural part of your life, so learning how to handle it is a must.

You might be wondering what the link between weight gain and stress is though?

How Stress Affects Your Body

Well the biggest factor is a chemical your body produces called cortisol. Cortisol works in your body to fix any imbalances in you might have, but too much of it can cause imbalances.

Cortisol is always present in blood stream and is an important element in managed your blood pressure, fighting disease, maintaining proper glucose metabolism, and it also makes sure you have correct levels of insulin in your body.

Because it manages all of that though if you have too much of it, it throws all of these things out of balance which can really be harmful.

Hectic Lifestyle And Weight Gain

You’re body reacts the same way no matter what kind of stress you are put under whether it’s an actual life and death situation, or it’s just your normal hectic lifestyle.

Under times of high stress your body triggers its fight or flight instinct which temporarily stops your digestive system and it starts producing some excess cortisol to give you a boost in energy.

In normal situations though you don’t get to use that extra energy and it all gets turned into fat, and another side effect is your metabolism slows right down.