Why Obesity Should Be Prevented


Usually when we see a fat baby we also assume that he is healthy. People believe the bigger the baby is the healthier he also may be. Nowadays we already know that obesity leads to serious problems. Obesity is a state where a person is above the normal body weight.

Obesity can cause severe health risk and can initiate the risk of other diseases. If your take more calories that is required in our body it is converted into fats. If this continues, it will result for people to be obese or overweight. People should be exposed with the effects of being obese.

The ways to treat obesity is to have a healthy diet and regular exercise. If you can’t be able to do that or you are busy enough to make time for that you can take medicines to lower down your appetite. Sometimes people undergo surgery to reduce their stomach size. There are a lot of options that can prevent people from gaining weight and being obese.

Obesity may also be acquired from your parents. It can also be on how well your body turns your food intake into energy. Your surroundings also cause obesity when you are exposed with people who have poor diet you most likely to become like them. You should watch what you eat and when you eat have a healthy diet.

There are a lot of consequences being obese or overweight. Shorter life expectancy, being obese is not healthy so it will cause you a lot of diseases and problems. Obesity can affect your psychological and emotional well-being, you may be discriminated in some way and you may have low self-esteem. Your movements may also be affected because you will move slower when you are overweight.

Prevention of obesity is possible to achieve especially with proper guidance from not just professionals but with people we live with. To help avoid obesity, you should start practicing healthy diet. That should begin in our homes and this should be taught with children as they grow. A good foundation of healthy eating is necessary to guide them as they grow old.

If you want to exercise at home in order to prevent obesity, you can purchase a Swiss ball and use it for exercise at home. You can also contact personal training Sydney to give you more information about the suitable workouts for you. Personal Trainer and fitness expert Josh Panebianco is the owner of Boxing Sydney