What to Do If You Gain Too Much Weight During Pregnancy?

Dealing with pregnancy weight gain

Dealing with Pregnancy Weight Gain

Many women are very anxious to lose weight after their pregnancy ends. Having this worry can cause quite a bit of stress.

The problem is, at the same time that you are supposed to lose weight; you also have to make sure that you are properly nourishing yourself and your baby.

How can you do both at the same time?

First of all, if you are trying to lose weight after pregnancy, you will have to take part in some kind of exercise program.

  • Physical activity is a requirement for anyone who wants to lose weight, after pregnancy or anytime. Youcannot, however, exercise too vigorously if you have recently had a baby.
  • Aerobics, in addition to strength training exercises is essential for weight loss. But for the time being, your workouts should be light.

During the first 3 months after giving birth, you need exercise to burn some calories. However taking the baby for a walk in stroller is just sufficient. You cannot put too much stress on your body right after a pregnancy.

Did you gain a lot during pregnancy?

This is not usually a question a new mom wants to be asked. It is a fact that your weight after pregnancy is directly impacted by your weight before pregnancy.

If you were in the “normal” weight range and gained the recommended amount of weight given to you by your doctor, you should not have any problems dropping pounds.

If however you were overweight prior to pregnancy it can be harder to drop that weight. It will take hard work to get those pounds off.

IMPORTANT: If you have had problems with weight gain in the past it is a good idea to consult your doctor before you begin a weight loss routine.

Do not be afraid to ask for help

You have to keep in mind that weight loss after you have had a baby is totally different from losing weight at other times. If you are having trouble losing the weight you are trying to lose, consult with your pediatrician and family doctor.

In most of the cases, figuring out how to nourish your body and your baby at the same time while shed your baby weight requires the help of your doctor.

It is also a good idea to hire a personal trainer to help you come up with a low intensity exercise program.

In normal case, losing weight is just plain simple.

You cut back on calories as you work out and exercise. But after you have given birth, you are in a different situation and have to adjust to your body’s requirements.

Bottom line: it makes absolute sense to get all the help you need to lose weight after pregnancy because it can be complicated.


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