What Do The Medifast Diet Shakes Taste Like?


Because I’m on the Medifast diet plan and often seen carrying these shakes with me, I’m often asked what they taste like. Most people even scrunch their nose when they ask me this question, as if they are sure that I’m going to confess something unsavory about them.

The truth is, they are not like the chalky diet shakes that you probably remember or fear. The shakes are also really very filling. At first drink the shakes are pretty good, but there are ways to make them taste even better. I’ve gotten so good at this art that I actually crave the shakes now in the way I used to crave my morning Star bucks. Here’s how I make the shakes taste really good:

First, no matter which flavor you’re using (my favorite is the Dutch Chocolate), make sure you consume it as cold as possible. I wholeheartedly recommend using a blender and ice (Medifasts’ blender works very well). Doing so will make the vanilla flavored shake taste like a frappacino and the chocolate and banana flavors taste somewhat like milkshakes in their respective flavors. When I have time, I will even refrigerate my shakes over night because this will thicken them up even more and give them a shake like consistency.

Another alternative is to add cold coffee and ice for an iced coffee effect. This is actually very good.

Some people swear by adding no sugar syrups to individualize taste. I especially like raspberry and caramel sugar free syrups added to mine. This gives the shake a really sweet, dessert like flavor. A friend of mine adds crystal light powders to hers to play around with the taste.