Weight Loss Walking Plan For Fast Weight Loss

Weight Loss Walking Plan For Fast Weight Loss

Walk for Weight Loss or Walk Off Your Weight

Did you know that you can Walk Off a Size in 4 just Weeks!?

This weight loss walking plan is superior to anything you’ll read. I’m going to show you 2 secrets on how to get the most out of walking to lose a lot of weight fast.

Since typical walking sucks for weight loss, you need to do things differently.

One secret alone shows how you can burn 30% more calories during those same walks without walking longer, without ankle weights, without silly dumbbells, without any of that stuff.

Weight Loss Walking Plan

1. Combine walking and strength workouts

—   What You have to do is simple: Go to walk while combining walking and strength workouts for 6 days a week. To Maximize weight loss results:
—   Eat about 1,600 calories a day, filling up on whole grains, fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and healthy monounsaturated fats.
—   Also have 3 cups of green tea (hot or cold) daily—studies show compounds in the tea can help you burn belly fat!

2. Walk on an incline

Listen, as you probably know by now, walking on a flat surface isn’t that great for getting fast weight loss results.

But walking on an incline is… and big time! All you need to do is incline a treadmill 10-15 degrees (not much) and walk on it for 15-20 minutes a day. If you don’t have a treadmill you can use, then find a hill to walk up and down.

If you want to maximize weight loss through walking, you need to find something other than your typical flat surfaces to walk on.

3. Deep breathing during walks

Ok, so you’re doing your normal walk. Now I want you to add just 1 little thing to help burn up to 30% more calories from that same walk. I just mentioned it above… deep breathing.

You can do this many different ways… I prefer that you do the 5-5-5 breathing. Inhale for 5 seconds, hold it for 5 seconds, and exhale for 5 seconds. Do this once every minute and you’ll burn 22-30% more calories than walking alone.

These are the best weight loss walking plans you can follow do to achieve fast weight loss results in minimal time.