Weight Loss Tips For Women – Simple Diet Advice


If you are a woman looking to lose weight there are a few easy ways to go about it. The three most important things to remember when it comes to being a woman and losing weight are, staying focused, having a good diet and meal plan and exercise.

Once you put all three together being a woman and losing weight becomes all the more easy. I am going to outline some advice that you can follow to help you shed the pounds before summer time in 2011.

Motivation – This is key, when it comes to losing weight you need to be focused and motivated. So many women start on an exercise and diet plan and lose focus after a week or even a few days or a couple weeks. I have learned being a personal trainer that women want to see results fast, and if they don’t they become skeptical and give up or try another method. With any diet and exercise plan please allow up to 30 days to see results or stick to it for a minimum of 30 days.

Meal and Diet Plan – The best way to create a meal and diet plan is the next time you go to the grocery store make a list of healthy foods and stick only to buying those foods, Things such as water, whole grain, produce, fish, salads, lean meats and chicken. Buy a calendar or use your black berry to write out ever meal that you are going to eat over the next 2 weeks and stick to it. I can almost assure you do this you lose up to 7 pounds in the next 14 days. I know I have done it.

Exercise – This is easy, sounds hard but yet it is very simple. Walking! Walk around the park a treadmill or even at the gym or beach for 30 minutes a day while doing everything else listed above and you are will be on your way to a more healthy lifestyle.