Weight Loss Surgery: Is It for You?


Losing weight is a battle for some, a journey for others and a maze for a few people. Sometimes, people think that they are hopeless cases and that their only hope is weight loss surgery. Surgery has its benefits but it poses more risks to the patients. Also, it is not an ultimate solution. You would have to continue eating right and moving more to manage your health. If you are contemplating on such a procedure, you might first want to consider a number of aspects before going under the knife.

What is your BMI (Body Mass Index)? This index is the ratio of your height to your weight. Using this gauge you can determine if you qualify as obese, overweight or on the regular range. Even if you are obese, there are sub categories like mild obesity to morbid obesity. Only those who are morbidly obese are qualified to undergo weight loss surgery. However, this is again, an extreme method and it involves a lot of tests from doctors. The rule of thumb is that if you can still manage to do things on your own and achieve goals no matter how small they are, you can still go forward with natural weight loss methods. The doctors will also consider your age as well as your health condition. Does your weight already keep you bed ridden? Is it leading to problems to your body?

Well being
You might have lost weight before. Losing weight might not even be the issue for you. It is keeping the weight off that is the problem. If you do not really qualify for weight loss surgery, all you need to do is motivation. Even if not on a surgical level, the doctor can still help you with the help of methods like fitness, diet and most importantly, emotional and psychological issues linked to eating. Understanding the psyche is quite difficult. It is necessary to understand why we eat when we go depressed and why we develop that relationship with food that is most of the time destructive. You can start by tricking your mind to eat more frequently but with less volume. You can also get professional guidance and help if you are feeling emotional about not being able to eat the way you did before.

Dispelling the myths and fallacies of weight loss surgery can open you up to the realizations that you might be better off with natural weight loss methods. Undergoing surgery does not mean you will lose weight fast. It is gradual also. Of course those who are morbidly obese who are risking their lives by not doing anything are better off getting surgery. The results of surgery are also not permanent. Overeating can still be apparent and if you do overeat, the stomach could stretch again. Lastly, the procedure does not lead to faster and more effective weight loss. It is still all up to you how you will manage your weight, not the surgery.