Weight Loss Surgery and Female Sexual Functioning


News on the possible effect of weight loss surgery has been brought by a team of researchers at Brown University in Rhode Island, who have discovered that after weight loss surgery, many women who had suffered from sexual dysfunctions see them solved. See details about the study and what researchers think about it.

The 54 women undergoing weight loss surgery, either it was lap band, gastric bypass, gastric sleeve, or similar surgeries, all of them sexually active, were tracked for their sexual functioning before and after the surgery. 63% reported sexual dysfunctions before the surgery, and from these affected women, 68% -or 23 women- saw their issues solved 6 months after surgery.

Furthermore, the study focused on comparing the effectiveness of two types of bariatric surgery, the lap-band, or the adjustable gastric banding, and the gastric bypass. The second procedure was the more effective one, as Roux-en-Y gastric bypass patients saw their additional weight disappear by 60% while the first group lost only 34%. While the results are impressive, results regarding their sexual lives astonished researchers, as both groups showed improvement six months after surgery.

The lead author of the study explained that these changes might be due to a number of psychological factors associated with massive weight loss that occurs after bariatric surgery. The improvements in several domains create an overall effect. Physiological factors are suspected to be involved, such as improving their reproductive hormone profile, but there was no part of the study concentrating on that.

Still, the results are extremely encouraging for any overweight female looking for weight loss surgery, as consequences seem to be very favorable.

Dr. Timothy Ehrlich has plenty of experience when it comes to weight loss surgery, as he has performed more surgeries than any other doctor in the state of Connecticut.
Register for a free seminar if you want to know more about how can bariatric surgery at Ehrlich Bariatrics can change your life.