Weight Loss Strategies – Read Nutrition Labels

Reading Nutrition Labels Information Help Weight Loss

Nutrition Labels — Reading Information That Can Help Your Weight Loss

Ignorance may be bliss but it can sabotage a weight loss plan. To lose and keep off weight you will need to watch what you eat. This means learning to read nutrition labels.

Nutrition Labels

Nutrition labels provide us with important information about serving sizes, calories, and ingredients. The top half of the label contains product specific information on the number of serving, calories and nutrient information.

Serving Size and Servings Per Container

Always check the number of servings. This is a common oversight. You may grab a beverage glancing quickly at the calories. However you might be surprised to find out that the beverage is three servings and not one. Foods that appear low in calories may actually be much more than you want to consume.


Depending on your daily calorie target and the number of meals or snacks you decide to eat, your meals should be between 200 and 400 calories and your snacks between 100 and 200 calories.

Total Fat

Below the calories you will find information for Fat, Cholesterol and Sodium. These nutrients are listed first because they are the ones that you should limit.

Fat Breakdown

Fat information will be broken down into Saturated, Trans Fat and for some foods you will also have Polyunsaturated and Monounsaturated fats. Saturated and Trans Fats are the artery clogging fats. The combined “bad” fats should be limited to 10% of total calories. Trans Fat is man made and is increasingly being eliminated from foods.

Monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats are “good fats” and should be consumed as part of a healthy well balanced diet.

Total Carbohydrate

Carbohydrates will be broken down into total, fiber and sugar. You want to get enough healthy carbohydrates such as those from whole grains, fruits, vegetables and beans. Limit foods that have sugar listed in the first few ingredients, whether or not you are attempting to lose weight.


Proteins are an important component of your healthy weight loss plan. I recommend that you eat meals that are at least 20% protein.

Ingredients List

Finally, always look at the ingredients list. If you see any of the ingredients listed below in the first four ingredients, consider a better product.

Becoming conscious of what you are putting into your body will put you on the road to a healthier lifestyle.

Read labels before you buy and compare different brands. You can and will find distinct differences among brands.

Becoming a label detective requires just a little effort but the return on your time has a big payoff in better health and smaller clothing sizes.