Weight Loss Recipes

Quick-and-Easy Fat-Burning Recipes Weight Loss Recipes

Quick-and-Easy Fat-Burning Recipes

Weight loss recipes form the foundation of every diet or weight loss regime. They are the perfect way to eat healthy and lose those extra pounds without having to starve on foods that taste like cardboard.

Research has proven that starving ones self actually makes it more difficult to lose weight because thin and fat people consume the same number of calories daily. However, thin people eat smarter as in their diet has less fat and more complex carbohydrates.

It should be kept in mind that despite religiously following your weight loss regime, you will not be able to shed and (keep off) those extra pounds if you don’t exercise regularly.

Fat Burning Research

Various studies have proven that cutting down on your calories without exercising makes you fatter in the long run.

All of us know (and have experienced it at one time or another) how frustrating sticking to a healthy or special diet can be, especially when the diet food tastes bland.

What most people don’t realize is that most of their favorite recipes can stand minor changes by substituting, reducing, or eliminating certain ingredients without compromising the mouthwatering taste.

Replacing Hi Fat Ingredients – The Key for Fat Control

This allows you decrease the fat and sodium percentage in the recipe while increasing nutritional content converting (one or all of) your favorite recipes into diet recipes.

An example of this can be that by substituting reduced fat (skimmed) or fat-free milk for whole milk in a recipe can save 63 calories and close to eight grams of fat per cup.

You can also reduce the amount of butter, shortening or oil by half and use unsweetened applesauce or mashed banana for the other half depending on the taste and requirement of what you are baking.

Next time you are shopping for baking ingredients don’t forget to ask for fruit-based fat re-placers because they will go a long way in making your favorite recipes healthier and help you lose weight.

One can also use healthier oil in salad dressings or to sauté food including but not limited to extra virgin olive oil.

Adding cloves, cinnamon, allspice, nutmeg, vanilla extract will dramatically reduce the amount of sugar in your recipe.

This tip is useful for making pie fillings and cookies etc but will not work perfectly in baking cakes which usually requires the recipe be followed to the dot.

In some recipes one can also choose to eliminate a fattening ingredient altogether (which may include but will not be limited to butter, mayonnaise, syrup, jelly, mustard, pickles, and olives which have large amounts of fat, calories, sugar and sodium). However, one needs to keep in mind that this will most definitely affect the overall taste of the final product.