Weight Loss For Moms – Lose That Belly Fat Naturally After Baby Like A Celebrity Mom

Weight Loss For Moms Crunching Girl

Weight Loss For New Moms

In this day and age, mothers are under increasing pressure to get back in shape after giving birth especially when many celebrity moms seem to be able to do it within a week after giving birth which can be demoralizing for most normal moms who may start to struggle with their weight after giving birth.

Unlike celebrities, you may not have access to the various resources that a celebrity mom may have such as a trainer, nutritionist, nanny, plastic surgeon, etc.

Are you still trying to lose that baby weight and the “baby” will be going off to college soon?

Whether you just gave birth recently or it has been months, or even years, no matter how beautiful and exciting it is to be a mother, most women after giving birth usually start thinking about weight loss for moms and one of the problem areas is usually the stomach.

Even when the rest of the body is in shape, the stomach after baby may still be a problem and a source of concern.

Here are some effective tips on how to lose the belly fat naturally without going under the knife.

Effective Exersices to Lose Belly Fat

One thing to remember with weight loss for moms is to that it is possible to get back the body especially the stomach that you had before the baby. It is also possible to lose this weight and the belly fat naturally over a healthy time period after giving birth.

As mentioned, one of the tough areas to get under control when following a weight loss program for moms is the belly. The extra weight that was gained to ensure a healthy baby usually collects around the stomach and shedding this belly fat can be difficult. While it is important to follow a proper diet when implementing a weight loss program for moms, exercise is also an important factor.

In order to lose belly fat however, targeted exercises are the answer and the following are a few exercises for moms to lose belly fat naturally. As a new mom, it is important to first get the go ahead from your doctor before implementing any weight loss program.

1. Contractions

Women doing contraction exercisesOne of the first tips to lose belly fat naturally with any weight loss for moms program is with contractions.

—  Begin by sitting in a chair or lying on your back and taking a deep breath while expanding your belly.

—  Slowly release your breath while contracting your belly in to about a halfway point.

—  Follow this by pulling your belly button towards your spine contracting and holding for a count of one.

—  Release the belly and return to the starting position (the half exhalation point) before pulling the belly button towards the spine again.

See if you can repeat this up to 100 times.

2. Progressive Crunchless Crunch

Women doing Progressive Crunchless CrunchThis works the same abdominal muscles that a normal crunch does but without straining your back and neck. This is similar to the first exercise above.

Assume the position discussed in the first exercise by either performing these crunchless crunches while sitting in a chair or lying on your back.

—  Take a deep breath while expanding your belly.

—  Exhale while contracting your belly by pulling your belly button towards your spine.

—  Follow this by briefly contracting your belly further with five repetitions.

  —  Return to normal and repeat all stages to exhaustion which will help you lose your belly fat after baby.

3. Crunchless Crunch

Women doing Crunchless CrunchesThis exercise is similar to the second exercise and can be performed either lying on your belly or while kneeling.

This exercise is easier since it only consists of one move.

The lower abdominals are an especially tough area and most women not just new moms complain about this area the most and this exercise is great for this area.

—  While lying on your belly or kneeling, relax the body entirely and then only using the lower abdominals.

—  Move your belly button towards the spine

—  Hold for about ten seconds or until you can no longer feel the contraction or feel that other muscles are working harder than the lower abdominal muscles.

—  When this happens, release the contraction and repeat the exercise to exhaustion.