Weight Loss Clinics In Georgia:understanding Different Weight Loss Programs Offered Through Clinics


You have decided to take bold, new steps in your battle to lose weight by engaging professional assistance in your weight loss journey. So you search the Internet for weight loss clinics or centers, which returns a multitude of choices that use terms such as programs, centers, clinics, surgical, non-surgical, medical and non-medical. You are introduced to weight loss teams that consist of dietitians, nutritionists, physiologists, psychologists, physicians, surgeons, etc.

One of the first big choices you will be making is whether you want to attend a weight loss clinic that offers simple diet and exercise programs, more specialized care for more serious situations or possibly surgical solutions for severe cases. In order to make an informed decision it is best to know some of the distinctions about what is offered through weight loss clinics.

A simple weight loss program can be something such as Jenny Craig or Weight Watchers for example. These programs use a combination of specifically planned meals and meal replacements along with some support through counseling, support literature and/or certified consultants. Many of these programs are a step up from the do-it-at-home type of program and a popular place to start for many who are seeking basic weight loss solutions. They often offer weekly or bi-weekly meetings and may charge a fee to become a member. These types of weight loss clinics function simply as a place to measure your weight, to share your experiences with others and to get some basic weight loss counseling.

Other weight loss clinics offer a more comprehensive approach for those that have little success with standard weight loss programs. Dieticians, nutritionist and physiologist are utilized to conduct classes and seminars on healthier eating, cooking and fitness. In most cases, the fitness equipment is located on-site. Many clinic members agree that having the exercise facilities in the same site helps motivate them to exercise more regularly and maintain healthier living habits. These programs can be non-medical or medical in nature; with or without a physician on staff to evaluate your health and weight loss needs, oversee your progress and prescribe medication if necessary. For those who are finding their weight loss goals difficult to obtain and maintain, a trip to a weight loss clinic or center with a medical option is an increasingly popular solution.

While some of the weight loss clinics offer programs that are overseen by physicians, a full bariatric practice will offer a comprehensive program that includes the nutritional, exercise and psychological support as well as some form of surgical solution. For those who are morbidly obese, Roux-en-Y gastric bypass surgery remains the gold standard for bariatric surgery, but the Lap-Band® System is becoming an increasingly popular alternative. The full bariatric practice is designed for patients with severe weight loss goals seeking a comprehensive, lifelong solution to weight loss where the surgical procedure is just the starting point.