Warning – Best Diets for Belly Fat Drain Energy But My Belly Fat Diets Don’t


There are lots of trend diets which advertisers claim as the Best Diets for Belly Fat and while most of them do work, I am going to talk about a couple of my particular fave diets. Being a fighter, I sometimes had to shed pounds and even lose belly fat quickly to give me that ripped abs look that would dominate my contestant.

Hence I have had masses of experience with trying out numerous diets and I am going to explain 2 of them here that I actually enjoyed doing and that was a success for me. I do not trust any of these diets that are borderline perilous for your condition.

There are a few people who advocate the thousand calorie diet which you only consume one thousand or fewer calories a day.

I personally feel that diets like these drain the body not only of energy, but can drain the body of necessary nutriments that are required by the body to perform routine daily functions.

My Flat Belly Diet – This is by a large margin my favourite diet to do as it worked so well for me! I talk about this diet all the time not only here, but to my buddies who ask what I am doing to get a 6 pack fast.

The very first thing I am doing is to dump any junkfood from my diet till I feel that my metabolism is at a quick enough rate that I am able to every now and then have an unhealthy break and not have to fret about it throwing off days of coaching and working out.

Next, I keep a tough limit on Carbs at a certain time of the day. Now, this isn’t like the Doctor Atkins diet for stomach fat, it is the Erik diet! So this is essentially how my days meals would go

Breakfast-Protein Shake, a banana and another choice of fruit and a giant cup of water.

This meal supplies me with the protein to get my brain working and has some terribly natural carbs in it to get my energy levels up.

Lunch – Grilled Chicken / Fish / Lean Beef with rice and beans and a salad on the side. I adore beans! When made right, they are so healthy for you and keep you feeling full! In addition, this meal gave me the boost of power from the carbs in the rice and salad to perform in the gymnasium and supplied me with tons of protein from the beef and beans which will fix my muscles afterward. I’d then go for my workout

After workout meal – here’s where the key to the diet for waist fat starts! Since the body stores excess carbs as fat, I would have liked to keep the quantity of carbs in my body as low as practicable after my workout, I knew the workout would burn up a lot of them.

In addition, your body continues to burn energy and energy after your workout as it enters its recovery mode. Hence when your body hasn’t got any carbohydrates to turn to for energy, it has a tendency to use excess fat instead. Therefore, why I stopped eating carbohydrates after working out! So my meal after working out could be a protein shake and some nuts with fruit or anything healthy and low or freed from carbohydrates.

Following the carbs factor, my dinner would be griddled chicken and salad or fish and veggies. Plenty of times, if I was in the mood, I’d heat up the remainder of the beans I made.

Best Diets for Belly Fat-Carb Cycling!

Carb cycling diet – I have only attempted this diet a couple of times but I did like it and enjoyed the result. I got it from mixing the basic factors of plenty of the best diets for belly fat.

It’s basic and easy to comprehend as well as simple to follow. I’d simply change my carbs from week to week.

One week I’d have plenty of carbohydrates, the following week I would not have any or little for the whole week. I’d continue this process till I got to the weight that I was satisfied with.