Using Lemons For Weightloss

Lemon juice diet cleanse weight loss recipe

Lemons For Weight Loss

Delicious, juicy lemons can help you lose weight quickly in many ways.

Lemons originated in Asia. Arab traders, the Crusaders, and later in history, Christopher Columbus introduced this wonderful fruit to the rest of the world.

Lemons have natural diuretic properties, which assist in rapid weight loss.

The Vitamin C in lemons also helps to increase metabolism. In fact, the National Institutes of Health’s MedlinePlus, says that vitamin C deficiency symptoms include weight gain due to decreased metabolism.

Vitamin C allows you to lose body fat by increasing bile production in the liver. A lemonade diet can also assist in rapid fasting weight loss.

Consider lemon a super food for weight loss and radiant health. Always talk with your doctor before starting any weight loss regimen.

Lemon Cleanse 

Do the lemonade fast (master cleanse). Mix 2 tablespoons of fresh squeezed lemon juice and 2 tablespoons of grade B maple syrup in a glass of distilled water.

Add a small pinch of cayenne pepper. During the fast you consume no food.

You only drink 6-10 glasses of this lemonade per day, along with water as needed for up to 10 days.

Some people find it beneficial to use daily laxative teas and salt water flushes as well for the duration of the fast.

This gives the body’s digestive tract a rest while helping you lose body fat.

Continue by eating a healthy low fat diet afterward to avoid reversing your fasting weight loss.


Use lemon aromatherapy regularly. Some properties attributed to lemon essential oil include disinfectant, astringent, anti-septic, digestive aid, diuretic, detoxifying and anti-depressant.

On March 4, 2008, Science daily reported that lemon aromatherapy improved mood.

Use lemon essential oil as a pick-me-up throughout the day to fend off emotional eating caused by stress and mood swings.

Avoiding emotional eating definitely contributes to rapid weight loss.