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With the right diet exercise and discipline it is possible to beat Obesity. For rapid weight loss one can undergo a crash diet to see quick results. With the right diet PLAN one can lose between 10 to 20 pounds in a matter of a week.

Are you looking for the very best fast weight loss diets on the internet? Naturally you are going to be inundated with a large number of websites promising you that their miraculous cure is going to get rid of all that extra waste overnight.

Loosing weight fast does not get any easier than this. Are you tired of all the weight loss options that just don’t work?

First of all I am proud of you! You have not been set under the spell of the weight loss world! Most people tend to leave out the ‘safe’ in ‘fast and safe fat loss’ when they are searching for ways to lose weight.

Most people have the misconception that in order to be on a diet with a must starve themselves. This couldn’t be further from the truth. Not eating at all is one of the reasons why people quit half way through any diet or don’t get the expected results.

The low calorie diets are indeed gaining fame among dieters. But most of them reduce the caloric intake to level of starvation. The fact is that you can easily lose 5 to 10 lbs. a month safely with a 1600 calories diet. This is quite a balanced amount of meal.

What one needs to plan is what you should eat and when you should eat. Safe weight loss is all about taking a balanced amount of meals in the right ratio. Say for instance you could burn fat by taking 4 meals of 400 calories each.

Today more than 60% of our planet is over weight.The reasons are numerous ranging from food habits lifestyle and in some cases even ignorance. Being fit is extremely important to all of us. And therefore we all join some or the other weight loss program with great enthusiasm But soon we give it up because its’ either not safe or does not show fast results.