Types of Weight Loss Surgery Available

Weight loss surgery results

When the weight of a person goes more than 100 pounds over the ideal weight, he or she might need weight loss surgery. There are various types of weight loss surgeries. But the surgeons select the one which will suit you correctly.

Before deciding about which type of weight loss surgery to be performed on you they will ask for some test reports like blood sugar and pressure, urinalysis, chest x-ray, electrocardiogram and many more. If all the conditions are favorable for the surgery they will opt for it.


The bariatric weight loss surgery is a common form of surgery which is prescribed to the overweight patients. The idea is to reduce the size of the stomach a patient by operating on it.

The restrictive procedure is all about creating a pouch at the top part of the stomach so that the patient cannot consume much food at a time.

An operated stomach can hold only one ounce of food inside it and this can increase up to 2-3 ounces. The other method is to place a band made of a special material around the stomach in order to lower the food intake. There is another process of bariatric surgery where the surface of the intestine is reduced which absorbs the calories of food.

This completely depends on the patient’s condition which one will be performed on him or her.

Biliopancreatic Diversion (BPD)

This is the procedure of removing a huge part of the stomach. The small remaining part keeps connected with the ultimate segment of the small intestine. This means that the other parts of the small intestine are completely bypassed using this method.

There remains a common channel which allows the digestive juices to mix with the food before they get into colon.

This way the food intake is restricted as well as the amount of gastric juices produced are also reduced. This procedure can cause different deficiencies of the nutritional requirement of the body. But this type of weight loss surgery is particularly popular in United States.

Laparoscopic Gastric Banding

The upper portion of the stomach is sealed with an inflatable band. This makes it tough for the patient to intake larger amount of food and they already feel full with food.

When all the other methods fail, this type of weight loss surgery is performed and that also on people who are extremely overweight.

There are always risks involved in surgeries though most of the cases become successful. This is always a good idea to know each and every detail clearly before you go for the surgery and the post surgery care and diet also plays an important role in getting a permanent result.