Twelve Reiki Positions for Powerful Hand Placement


When considering the twelve reiki positions for powerful hand placement, these positions can better be understood if we divide the placement numbers into four groups of three. The first three consist of the groin or area of procreation, the tailbone, the area of spinal origin, and the abdomen, the area of compassion and emotion. When a Reiki healer motivates the chakras in these areas, she is healing the foundation of the person, as well as the Earth from whence we come. This is our base, our support, to all that we do, and these areas must be healthy and whole first, in order for the rest of the body to have strength and stamina.

The second group of reiki positions for the hands are the kidneys for the purification of the body\’s fluids, the solar plexus where we feel our “gut intuition” and can feel the spiritual realm, the shoulder blades where we flex to fly in our dreams, or embrace our loved ones and our lives. These chakra points lift us into the realm of the dawning realization that we have power to move and the ability to transport ourselves and others beyond Earth bound and mortal limitations.

The third group of reiki positions for hand healings are the human heart, which is the pump that never quits, day after day, teaching us to never give up, in order to obtain the prize, the shoulders that bear the burdens of others, allowing us to serve our fellow man, and the throat which speaks the truth for all eternity to acknowledge and vindicate. The Reiki healer that balances these chakras finds his client gaining renewed determination in following their true path in life, and without ever giving up.

And the fourth and final group of reiki positions for hand placement to empower healing are the base of the skull where our Earthly self connects to our Heavenly self, our temples, where meditation and prayer are framed and expressed, and our eyes- openings to the inner and outer realms, as well as windows into our souls and the souls of others. These twelve chakra areas have secondary areas and connections that the skilled reiki healer can access to perfect a healing in a client. They are also connected to the eight-plus color spectrum that is necessary for complete healing and spiritual advancement. When you meditate and pray, these positions and truths can be revealed to both the healer, as well as the healed.