Tips for the Obese to Lose Weight Fast Without Weight Loss Surgery

Tips Obese Lose Weight Fast Without Weight Loss Surgery

Obese to Lose Weight Fast

You do not need weight loss surgery to lose weight fast, and by fast I am talking about 100 pounds in 6 to 10 months.

That is on your own, no drugs, no supplements, no protein drinks, just good old fashion food and exercise.

I know this because I did it losing 136 pounds in 9 months and have clients who have lost over 100 pounds in 7 or 8 months with one who lost 160 lbs in one year.

How did we do it?

  • With food, exercise and attitude.
  • You can do it too.
  • I will tell you how.

Find a diet you can live on long-term.

If it is one you have quit time after time it is not for you.

It needs to be one that makes you feel good about what you are doing.

Tips for the Obese

For some that may include lean meats, or not. I chose raw foods because I am an all or nothing type of person and it was a perfect match.

You have to find the perfect match for you.

Pick the diet program wisely, but if the one you pick doesn’t work, don’t quit dieting, switch to a different one without stopping the weight loss.

Don’t use the diet as an excuse to fail.

IMPORTANT: Know up front that fast weight loss requires exercise.

Ways to Lose Weight Fast Without Weight Loss Surgery

Most obese people hate exercise and have a plethora of excuses why they can’t do it.

If you aren’t willing to exercise, you will not be able to lose the weight fast.

And even if you did, without the added muscle you won’t like the final results of your fast weight loss.

Taking a leisurely walk each night is not going to do it.

You need a minimum of 30 minutes a day of cardio in your fat burn zone. 45 min’s is even better.