Three Effective Ab Diets For Women – Sculpt Those Abs by Eating!

Women Burn Belly Fat Sculpt Yor Stomach Beutiful Abs by Eating

Women Sculpt Yor Belly – Beautiful Six Pack Abs by Eating

Ab diets for women are important for a simple reason: Even if you work out your abs every day-and that’s not a good idea-nobody will ever see them if they are covered with fat.

Here are three ab diets for women that can provide the belly fat buster you are looking for.

1. The Soup Diet

You’ve probably heard of the cabbage soup diet. You eat huge bowls of cabbage soup for a couple of days. Then you gorge yourself on beefsteak, tomatoes, and bananas. This soup diet has nothing to do with the cabbage soup diet.

The soup diet that can actually help you lose weight is a lot simpler, and it won’t interfere with healthy nutrition. All you need to do is to eat a cup, or a bowl, of homemade soup before you eat your regular meal.

Over 200 clinical research studies, most of them led by Dr. Barbara Rolls of The Pennsylvania State University and the University of Pennsylvania Medical School, confirm that starting lunch and dinner with soup can help you 350 to 500 fewer calories a day.

That’s enough to lose a pound of belly fat just about every week.

The way the soup diet works is that soup fills you up without costing you a lot of calories. Water just passes right on through your stomach. There’s no need to digest it.

Each and every one of the tiny particles in soup, however, has to be completely digested, and the soup stays in your stomach until the digestion is completed. The longer your stomach is full, the less you want to eat.

There are limits to the ability of soup to control your appetite, of course, but it’s an easy way to lose a pound or more each and every week. It doesn’t take so many weeks before you begin to reveal your abs.

There are a couple of things you have to avoid on the soup diet.

One is MSG.

The appetite is stimulated by MSG, canceling out the benefits of the soup. Don’t use canned soup that contains with MSG.

The other is fat.

Creamed soups, and soups flavored with bacon, really aren’t the way to go if you are looking for effective abs diets for women.

2. Your Current Diet with Four Nutritional Supplements

Many women report weight loss success by adding four supplements to the diet they already eat. These supplements are:

• R-Lipoic Acid (although alpha-lipoic acid also has some benefits), up to 1,000 mg a day
• L-carnitine, also up to 1,000 mg a day,
• Nicotinamide (be sure not to take more than one capsule a day), and
• Biotin, taking 100 mg of biotin for every 1,000 mg of alpha-lipoic acid.

This combination of nutritional supplements increases the size and activity of mitochondria, the energy making centers in every cell.

The lipoic acid also reduces your body’s need for insulin, which stores fat as well as transporting sugar.

The less insulin you have in circulation, the less fat you store. Best results, of course, are obtained when you reduce calories and increase exercise.

3. A high-protein, high glycemic index diet.

Want to lose weight without counting calories?

Eating small amounts of protein food throughout the day (1-2 oz, or 28 to 56 g), 5 or 6 times a day, helps control your appetite. Also helpful are fresh fruits and vegetables eaten raw, the juicier the better.

You don’t have to completely abandon ordinary foods to make this plan work.

  • If you ordinarily have a bowl of cereal for breakfast, for instance, fill half the bowl with cereal and top off with berries.
  • If you ordinarily eat a sandwich for lunch, add lettuce, tomato, and crunchy vegetables to fill you up without adding a lot of calories. Just have to have a slice of pizza? OK, but eat more.

Make sure your slice is topped with vegetables.

If you make a point of heating healthy low-fat, high-protein, fresh and natural foods, you can rely on your instincts to help you lose weight.

Be sure you eat healthy foods and let pounds fall off naturally.