The South Beach Diet Danger And A Warning To All Dieters

South beach diet plan dangers foods

The Dangers of The South Beach Diet Plan

The South Beach Diet is considered to be a healthy diet which is concerned on the right carbohydrates and the right fats for a healthy body.

Many people were drawn to it believing that the South Beach Diet is really the best diet for them.

However, out of this good reputation that the South Beach Diet maintained, still there are some attacks and bad comments about the diet.

Well, we don’t need to be surprised about this, for this is how the world is set.

  • What then is the importance of the principle of “yin and yang” if there is only one side for everything?
  • There could be biases, prejudices, and imbalances, right?

So, even though there is really no noted “big” South Beach Diet danger, still there are certain resources which hold that the South Beach Diet danger surface when the improper application of the diet is made.

Numerous resources have noted that part of the South Beach Diet danger is the lack of information or understanding about the diet. From the word “lack” alone, a sort of South Beach Diet danger is then viewed.

According to many studies, the South Beach Diet danger surfaced for the reason that the South Beach Diet is very demanding for those that are accustomed to carbohydrate-rich diets.

In line with such view for the South Beach Diet danger, it is also noted that one of the largest South Beach Diet dangers surface when there is a lapsing into the old eating habits. This was considered to be a South Beach Diet danger for the reason that this lapsing will result in speedy weight gain.

Along with that, this part of the South Beach Diet danger may then be a new way of life.

In relation to such fact about the South Beach Diet danger, another support states that a great South Beach Diet danger will also surface when there is a lack of willpower exerted for the diet, especially from the carbohydrates lovers.

In fact, it is a common view that there is always danger of the South Beach Diet of lapsing back into old eating habits and increasing the carbohydrate consumption without even realizing it. 

So to battle this one of the common South Beach Diet dangers, Dr. Arthur Agatston himself recommends that the dieters who do lapse and end up on placing some of the weight back on should then be immediately switch back to the first phase of the South Beach Diet for a short while.

This recommendation is given not only to battle such South Beach Diet danger but also to prevent from the occurrence of several South Beach Diet dangers.

It is also interesting to know that if this South Beach Diet danger is not prevented earlier, this will lead to an excess in weight gain.

South Beach Diet in a Nut Shell

The South Beach Diet is a good diet for those people that are not willing to  give up their carbohydrates. However, this diet does prohibit some carbs.

This is a restrictive diet plan  which separates carbs into 2 categories : Good carb foods you can  eat and Bad carb foods you can not.

There are also good fats and bad fats identified in the program. One has to  be devoted enough to only eat the good fats as identified in the plan.

Here are some examples of good carbohydrates in the South Beach  Diet

1. Whole Grains
2. Certain Fruits
3. Certain Vegetables

Here are some good fats in the South Beach Plan that you can  eat:

1. Olive Oil
2. Canola Oil
3. Lean Sources Of Protein

What are good fats under the plan?

1. Polyunsaturated Fats
2. Monounsaturated Fats (Those fats with  omega-3 fatty acids are promoted)

What are bad fats under the diet plan?

1. Saturated Fats
2. Trans Fats

Thie South Beach diet was invented by a cardiologist. His name is Dr. Arthur  Agatson. It was developed for his heart patients. He performed extensive  research to come up with the diet.  The diet is good for those with not much  will power. You can eat 3 regular meals and still have desert and snacks in  between.


Phases in The South Beach Diet Plan

Phase 1

For 2 weeks you eat the following: reduced-fat-cheese, fish, eggs,  lean meat, nuts, nonfat yogurt and as many vegetables as you want.

  • You can have  snacks and deserts also.
  • You can  eat the right carbs and fats.
  • You should lose up to 13 pounds in these first 2 weeks.
  • It really is diet for  the people with a healthy appetite.

Phase 2

  • You then start eating fruits and whole grain foods in addition to  the above.
  • You will eat them in small portions as the plan describes.
  • You are  concentrating on foods with low glycemic index.
  • You will continue to lose  weight. When the desired target weight is reached then you start Phase 3.

Phase 3

You continue to eat good fats and carbs. You will eat 3 portions of  fruit and whole grains per day.

You do not have to worry about counting calories with this diet. You eat  until you are not hungry any more. You just have to eat the right foods. (good  carbs and good fats)  The doctor explains that by cutting down on your intake of  bad carbs and eating only good carbs, your body will better be able to  metabolize what you eat.  This promotes weight loss.


Editors Verdict

Since starting South Beach I have learned how to really enjoy cooking.  Watching a variety of cooking shows and incorporating their ideas using my South Beach approved foods was one way I found to survive the first phase of the  program, since you can always find new and interesting ways to prepare and enjoy  the foods I was permitted.

I couldn’t believe when the two weeks were over.  It seemed to go by so fast,  and then I was allowed to start reintroducing some of my favorites again into my  daily eating plan, like fresh fruit and bread (thank God!).

The best part was I no longer craved some of those no-no foods like cake, ice  cream and even, yes, those diet buster cookies! 

And I managed to lose a  whopping 12 pounds, a true triumph for someone like me who had never been able  to follow any diet for longer than a day or two before!

Was starting the South Beach Diet difficult? 

Yes, in the first few days, but  it sure was worth it!