The Scoop On Hollywood Diets

Hollywood Diets Celebrity Diets hollywood food weight loss

“Hollywood Diets” – The Scoop

“Hollywood diets and celebrity diets are just another word for starvation”—Unknown

The idea behind most Hollywood diets and celebrity diets are to lose as much weight as you can in as short ao time as you can.  Now this may make sense in a culture where your appearance is your livelihood and where narcissism  is celebrated as a virtue, but in the real world these Hollywood diets are just plain bad news.

Whether you find them in the latest tabloid or you type “Hollywood diets” into your browser you will probably get a boatload of diet advise that concentrates only on the quick fix which of course isn’t a fix at all.

So What Is So Bad About Hollywood Diets?

Hollywood diets ignore nutrition and can cause harm to your body.

Rapid weight loss, if not done precisely right, can result in a loss of metabolism, lean muscle tissue, and body organ damage.

Your brain alone requires around 400 calories of energy a day just to operate normally.

Your brain along with the rest of your body has a basil metabolic rate which is the amount of calories of energy it takes to maintain normal body function.

Often Hollywood diets and Celebrity Diets have daily calorie counts well below the BMR or your body.

When this happens your body will cannibalize some of its own tissues to maintain the most important organs.

If your calorie count continues to drop important organs in your body will not receive enough energy to operate properly and they will begin to shut down.

This can cause organ damage and in extreme cases like anorexia it can cause death.

Hollywood diets and celebrity diets do not consider the bigger picture.

Sure you may lose a lot of weight quickly but since you have no plan on how to keep it off and since your body has not had time to reset its fat, set point you will gain it all back quickly.

In some cases faster than you lost it.

To ad insult to injury your metabolism will now be slower than when you started because you made your body think it was starving.

A lot of money for nothing. 

Once you are back to or above the weight you started out with you will be wondering why you spent all that money or time and energy or both for nothing.

It would have been much better to take that money or time and energy and invest it in a diet plan that will teach you about nutrition and help you once and for all shed the extra pounds that you have been wanting to get rid of for a long time.

In the end Hollywood diets and celebrity diets are a waste of time and money and it is better to seek out expensiveness alternatives that not only help you plan and execute a diet but also help you to make this diet that last one you will ever need.