The HCG Diet Plan, a Permanent Solution to Your Weight Problem


If you are decided on engaging the HCG diet method, the one thing that you have to do is be prepared. The diet is not easy and you are expected to remain faithful to it no matter what. The diet program can also be downright costly because at the same that you are doing it, you will also have to absorb the HCG hormone.

To help you get started with the diet program, below are a few basic tips and recommendations:

• Before starting the HCG diet, know its potential side effects. Definitely, there will be some during the early stages since your system has yet to adjust to the diet.

• To ensure the diet is safe for you, a good idea is to consult a licensed HCG doctor first, who could assess your health condition and recommend how many pounds you must eliminate.

• Before the calorie-starved diet do not forget the 2 day fat-gorging period. During these two days you are allowed to dine on the kind of foods you use to have, since you’ll need to have enough calories and essential nutrients to tide you over until the end of the diet regime.

• The difficult part is the Very Low Calorie or VLCD stage. Here the real work takes place. In this stage, you’re instructed to reduce your calorie consumption to only five-hundred calories daily and absorb the required 125 to 200 IUs of the HCG hormone which you can perform via the HCG diet drops for better results. You can eat only the foods specifically listed down in the HCG diet recipe which you will find in the book “Pounds and Inches” written by Dr. Simeon, the creator of the diet program. There are no sugars or carbs allowed, but there are fruits to salve your cravings for sweets. You are confined to consuming 100 grams of fatless meat, veggies, selected sea food and a small piece of bread for lunch and dinner. Breakfast is entirely free of solid food, only tea or coffee in unlimited quantities and there is one teaspoonful of milk as well.

• After the 21 day diet period follows the stabilization stage where your diet will contain more calories. Women are allowed 800 and men 1,000 calories. This part ordinarily covers twenty-one days after which you can implement a normal diet, though with much fewer calories than you used to have before the diet program.

Success of the program can only be guaranteed by adhering closely to the diet protocols. Seventy percent of people who have completed the diet are known to keep their diet gains. Closely adhering to the HCG program protocols means a long term solution to your weight problem.