The Easiest Way to Lose Weight After Pregnancy

Lose weight after pregnancy the easy way exercises

After Pregnancy Weight Loss The Easy Way

For all those women out there looking for the easiest way to lose weight after pregnancy, read on. We know that time is a little short for new mums as they now have new responsibilities to adjust to, and most mums find it especially hard to lose weight and get in shape after the new arrival.

With a high level of tiredness and fatigue now in play, is it even realistic to think that weight loss after pregnancy is achievable?

Well, I can tell you that it most certainly is and many women have achieved such goals, even to the point where they get in better shape than were in BEFORE they became pregnant! Although it will take some effort on your part, the easiest way to lose weight after pregnancy is with the following tips and tricks which you can implement right now.

Make Time for You

Easier said than done I hear you say! Seriously though, you really do have to put a period of time each day aside to look after your own health. It can be difficult to find an hour a day, or even a half hour, for exercise, and an option may be to get your spouse, a friend or relative to watch the baby whilst you work out.

Many gyms and fitness centers offer some form of child supervision, although the child may need to be a certain age to qualify, and be sure to check the child care hours of operation.

If neither of these are an option, you could always just workout at home when its nap time for the baby.

Everyone’s situation will be different and it’s up to you as to how you structure your time. Some may prefer to work out for an hour in one session, while others may only be able to work out for say 15 minutes at a time.

If the latter applies to you, aim for four 15 minute workout sessions each day. Remember though, even if you are only able to free up half an hour a day, something is always better than nothing at all.

Eat Nutritious Foods

As with any weight loss plan, calorie consumption plays an important part in your weight loss strategy.

In order to lose weight after pregnancy, you’re going to need to make sure you burn more calories than you consume each day. Too few though and it will cause your metabolism to slow down. Too many and you may put on weight instead of losing it.

You will need to calculate your target calorie consumption each day, using one of the many calorie calculators available on the internet (Go to Fit Watch or Calorie Count).

Remember though, if you are breastfeeding this will also need to be taken into consideration as you will require a higher calorie intake than someone who is not.

If you don’t eat enough calories though, you could slow your metabolism down by 20 – 30%. Be sure to stay clear of junk food also, as you will not only be denying your baby the best possible nourishment, but you will find you are lethargic and lack energy.

The key is something you have no doubt heard before. Eat smaller meals several times a day.

  • Ensure that you eat a small nutritious meal roughly every 2-3 hours.
  • Keep up your calcium intake by consuming lots of low-fat dairy products and dark green vegetables. 
  • Balance your diet with supplements: calcium can kick start your fat burning metabolism into high gear.
  • Complete your food selections with fresh fruits, lean protein, and whole grain products.

Exercise with the Baby

One often overlooked way to lose weight after pregnancy is to bring your baby along for walks. There are online weight loss communities you could join to connect with other new mums in your local area, and go for walks with the stroller together.

You get to spend time with your baby, it eliminates the need to find a babysitter, and you have someone to talk to whilst you’re out walking and burning those calories!

The online community option isn’t for everyone though, and you may prefer to go out for walks with the stroller by yourself.

To keep your motivation up, try to vary the locations of your walks by strolling to the local park, shops or just around the block of your neighborhood a few times.

When your baby learns to walk on their own, take them to the playground and run around with them. Both you and your baby will reap the benefits of staying active.

Find a Support Network

Support networks are crucial for new mums. Many women find it too hard to lose weight after pregnancy, and often need the support of others. Support could come in the form of a babysitting service or a morale boost, but you will find that friends and family will most often play a vital role in you reaching your weight loss goals.

It’s important to connect with other new mums who are facing the same struggles as you are regarding post natal weight loss. Look for a good community of new mums, either locally or online who are trying to lose weight.

It can be very inspiring to read about obstacles and problems that other mums have faced and how they were able to overcome them.

  • You can also contribute by sharing your own experiences which will no doubt help others later on down the track.
  • You will be surprised by how good it feels to know you’re not alone.

You need a Good Night’s Sleep

Here’s another one that’s not easy for new mums, but like consistent exercise it’s important to try. Insufficient sleep can contribute to a myriad of physical and emotional problems.

Even worse, studies have shown that most of us don’t sleep enough, and this is especially true for new parents unless you are fortunate enough to have a baby that sleeps through the night (yes it can happen).

Newborn babies can leave you feeling exhausted and run down.

  • If possible, ask a spouse, friend or relative to attend to the baby’s cries at least 3 times per week, so you can get 8 – 10 hours of uninterrupted sleep.
  • If you have trouble sleeping, use ear plugs. You will be amazed at how refreshed you feel when you wake up!

If you are breastfeeding though, you might have to wait a little longer before your sleeping patterns return to normal.

Someday soon though, you and your baby will be sleeping through he night, but until then you will just have to catch naps whenever you can.