The Diet Solution Program ? The Solution to Your Diet


I know what you might be thinking, here is yet another hokie internet diet scam…  I used to think that way when I first heard of the Diet Solution Program, but when I looked into it further I soon learned that nothing could be further from the truth.

The Diet Solution program is not a crash diet, it is not a calorie counting system, it is not a starvation diet, and it is not a crazy diet scam.  Rather, it is a proven system that helps you stop dieting and starting eating the right kinds of foods so you can start living well once again.  This is not a quick fix diet program, but an overall eating solution that will help you start to burn fat now that will work for the long term.  The Diet Solution Program is an honest and all natural way to burn fat that was developed by a man who is a CHECK certified nutritionist, an exercise specialist (NSCA – CSCS), an author, a public speaker, and someone who has helped over 30 thousand people consistently lose weight.  I found that is was not really a diet at all but a solution to my diet.  Sound interesting?  Then please keep reading…

Here are some typical results you can expect.  You will burn 10 percent of unwanted body fat in the very fist 30 days of the Diet Solutions Program.  It is not uncommon for someone to lose 3 to 10 pounds in the very first 7 days.  You need to know that these results are not uncommon, but quiet typical for most people.  As you continue to follow our program  you will continue to burn off fat every month until you have the body you want.  The bottom line is this, if you follow the Diet Solution Program you will lose weight, period.  How does it do this?

The Diet Solution Program is based on three weight loss fundamentals that most diet programs fail to consider.  First, you need to know which foods you can eat that will cause an accelerated fat loss in your body.  Second, you absolutely must know which foods prevent your body from burning fat.  And third, it is critical that you understand which combinations of foods are right for your specific body type to help you lose weight as efficiently as possible.  This fat burning program will help you easily and quickly learn how to successfully use these concepts and make them work for you.

Maybe you were just like I was.  I wanted to lose weight but did not know where to begin.  I thought I was following diets the right way but I still did not lose weight.  I was tired of reading confusing and conflicting information about weight loss.  I was tired of following a diet that took over my entire life.  I just hated to eat boring and tasteless diet foods.  I really needed something that motivated my weight loss and made me want to stick to it… this is where the Diet Solution Program came in for me.

I soon realized that most diets fail because they do not recognize that everyone has their own caloric metabolic requirements, and one size of diet does not fit all.  Your body has a metabolic rate that is unique to you, and it needs certain types and amounts of foods in order to efficiently lose weight.  The key to your successful weight loss is finding the right types and amounts of foods your body needs to successfully burn fat.  This is exactly what makes the Diet Solution Program different from all the others out there.  It will help you identify your exact metabolism using their proprietary metabolic questionnaire that is simple to complete.  Next, it will give you a food chart that helps you identify when and how much of these foods to eat.  This way you will eat the food you enjoy and stay away from counting calories.

This is what the Diet Solution Program is NOT.  It is not a calorie counting regimen.  It will not put you in a starvation mode.  It will not deprive your body of necessary fats.  It will not put you on a carbohydrate restriction.  It will not require you to buy expensive supplement powders, diet bars, or nutrition shakes.  It will not force you to eat boring and tasteless food.  And, it will not take over your life.

Sounds too good to be true?  Maybe not.  The more I learned what the Diet Solution Program was based on the better I understood that it uses solid nutritional science.  This system helps you learn which foods help you control your blood sugar so you can lose weight.  This way your body will be prevented from insulin spikes and low sugar starvation modes which keep you from burning fat.  This diet will help you avoid the insulin roller coaster so you can regulate your metabolism and maintain it in a perpetual fat burning mode.  Not all carbohydrates are created equal and you will learn which are good carbs and which are bad.  You will also learn that there and good fats and bad fats, and some fat is needed in order for you to lose weight.  Finally, you will learn why processed foods are causing you to gain weight, and why you need to learn what types of whole foods to eat to continually burn fat.

The Diet Solution Program will teach you that the number of calories you eat is not the most important thing to know.  What matters most is how those calories are affecting your specific metabolism.  Learn to eat the right calories, in the right amounts, at the right times and you will burn body fat.  Eliminate the garbage calories and focus of feeding your body the good calories and you will set your metabolism in a fat burning auto pilot mode.  You do need to be reasonable in the amount of calories you consume, but you certainly do not need to starve yourself.  Depriving your body of calories causes the exact opposite of weight loss.

Here is what you can expect from the Diet Solution Program.  You will learn how to regulate your metabolism so it will constantly burn fat.  It will show you how much to eat of the right kinds of foods without calorie counting.  You will learn the best types of carbs to eat that will help you burn fat.  This diet program uses only real delicious foods to help you lose weight.  You will also learn how to personalize your meal plans to fit your metabolism.

This is what you get when you decide to start to Diet Solution Program.  First, you get the Diet Solution Manual that fully details the program for you follow, implement, and succeed in losing weight.  Second, you will receive the proprietary metabolic type testing which is key to this program.  Third, you will get a success journal which helps you form new eating habits and score your weight loss.  Fourth, a food shopping guide is included that shows you where to find the right kinds of whole foods to eat.  Fifth, the Diet Solution Program quick start guide can get you going in as little as 15 minutes.  Sixth, you receive the top 10 dieting mistakes that prevent you from losing weight.  And Seventh, you get the Diet Solution Program recipe book that includes tasty and simple dishes like Caribbean chicken, salmon with pesto, marinated pork chops, and sweet potato dollars.

The Diet Solution Program comes with a no risk Guarantee.  That is right, if you are not completely satisfied you can get all of your money back.  If you do not lose at least 10 percent of your body weight in fat within the first 30 days of following this program then please ask to get your money back and you will.  This is an iron clad, risk free, unconditional guarantee with no obligation on your part.  If you decide you want your money back then you can keep the 60 day meal plan for free.  This is not some internet quick weight loss scheme, but a serious weight loss plan than will change your life.