The Dangers of Very Low Calorie Diets

Dangers of Low Calorie Diets

Meal replacement programs seem to have become more and more popular in recent years, and this worries me a great deal!

They come in a range of options, including powders, drinks, soups, bars and biscuits. Some of these products can replace all your meals, while others replace one or two meals per day, with the third meal being something healthy you cook yourself.

Obviously such programs do help some people lose weight. But, there are risks involved.

Studies show that in the long run people usually can’t maintain this way of eating long term, and research has also shown that people on a 400 calorie per day diet lose no more weight than those on the 800 calorie diet.

So, why bother trying to follow such dangerously unhealthy low calorie diets?

Very low calorie diets can lead to a number of uncomfortable side effects. These include:

* Dry mouth
* Headache
* Dizziness
* Fatigue and weakness
* Cold intolerance
* Dry skin and nails
* Menstrual irregularities in women
* Hair loss
* Constipation/diarrhea
* Irritability and confusion
* Inability to concentrate
* Muscle breakdown
* Problems with nerve and muscle function
* Conditions such as osteoporosis, anemia, gout, gallstones, clinical depression, heart problems, renal failure, and liver disease

It’s important to note that the lower your calorie intake, the greater the likelihood you will experience some of these side effects. This is very worrying indeed!

Very low calorie plans such as meal replacement shakes are unhealthy for a number of reasons, including:

  • They don’t encourage eating real food. 
  • You risk vitamin and mineral deficiencies. 
  • They don’t teach you how to choose healthy food or cook healthy meals.

Are you still considering a meal replacement plan? I would caution that you first seek the advice of your doctor, and visit a registered dietitian for a suitable and safe plan.

If you’ve been struggle with motivation to change your diet, perhaps a meal replacement plan isn’t the answer to your problem, maybe you first need to change what’s going on in your head, before you can begin to work on your diet.