The Damaging Effects of Unhealthy Weight Loss Methods: Crash Dieting

Dangers of Crash Dieting Unhealthy Weight Loss Method

Crash Dieting — Unhealthy Weight Loss Method

It would feel so good to lose those extra pounds in just a short period of time. It is almost impossable to achieve fast weight loss without risking your health while choosing to follow another popular crash diet.

While this may work, it may not be such a healthy method towards achieving long term weight loss.

Some may describe it as some form of starvation. This is because it extremely deprives our bodies of the essential nutrients and energy that it needs to function with.

A Serious Dent on Self-Esteem

Crash dieting is rightly named so because after you do the diet, you might crash. In fact, most people who do this would gain back all and even more than the weight they just lost!

It seems like such a vicious cycle which surely would affect our self-esteem.

One week you’re overjoyed because you have lost so much weight, the next week you’re disheartened because of all the weight you’ve gained back. This surely isn’t healthy for anyone. Situations like these may even lead to depression.

Affects Total Body Wellness

Disastrous diets abuses our body excessively. We aren’t giving our body what it needs to stay healthy.

Most of the weight we lose during the first few days of crash dieting is water. Putting it simply, we are dehydrating ourselves. Some do it to such extreme measures that it strains their kidneys too much and may cause acute renal failure.

This kind diet not only affect kidneys but our hearts as well. These fiercely unhealthy diets may increase our chances of a heart disease or a stroke in the future.

Strains Interpersonal Relationships

When I’m hungry, I get cranky. I’m sure this hold true for most of us.

Crash diets may allow us to be more irritable and ill-tempered.

Our relationships with the people we surround ourselves with gets strained. This is because our attitudes changes dramatically when we are denied of important calories our body needs to function.

Increase in Stress Levels

When we crash diet, we put a huge amount of stress to ourselves.

The stress does not only come physically but mentally and emotionally as well. It stresses our bodies out, unsuccessful attempts may lead us to depression and it strains our relationships with other people.

So maybe if we ever do decide to crash diet, we have to ask ourselves: Is it worth it?

This kind of diet may only bring short term effects.

Consider the more healthy option of adopting a weight loss regimen that is both healthy for our body and has long term weight loss effects.