The Chocolate Diet Reviewed


Okay, this is not a joke.

There really is a diet called The Chocolate Diet, but it may not be what you are hoping for.

Indeed the diet is the brainchild of British author and diet expert Sally Ann Voak who makes the bold statement that anyone can lose seven pounds in two weeks by using her diet.

So do you get to eat all of the chocolate you want?

Actually this plan was devised for those individuals who have cravings for chocolate and consume it quite often. Voak believes it is not realistic to expect these people to give up chocolate completely. She claims that when dieters finally give in to their cravings for chocolate, they will go overboard and binge on the delicacy. Obviously, this is not conducive for a weight loss plan.

Voak devised six categories of chocolate eaters. Each one of the categories’ has an individual eating and exercise plan that is simple to follow.

Here are the six categories:

Romantics- use chocolate as a replacement for love and affection. Secret Bingers- Hide from others and binge eat chocolate. Sugar Addicts- Eat chocolate for energy. Weekend Indulgers- Celebrate weekends with chocolate. Premenstrual Cravers- Binge eating chocolate during certain periods of monthly cycle. Comfort Eaters- Eating large amounts of chocolate in response to stress or fatigue.

In this eating plan, you will be allowed a small amount of chocolate each day. Other foods that you will be eating include all you want of certain vegetables including asparagus, mushrooms, peppers, broccoli, and many more. Skim milk is required everyday and several supplements are also recommended.

Some of the good points regarding this diet include allowing dieters to eat a small portion of their favorite food everyday reducing cravings and stress. Also, it strongly promotes vegetables and has an exercise component.

On the other hand, this is a very low calorie diet and many people will struggle to remain on the plan. Others will experience even more cravings with the small amount of chocolate they are allowed daily and finally there are no meal plans included with this diet.

All in all, this boils down to a very low calorie and low fat weight loss plan that allows you to eat a small amount of chocolate each day. Because it is so low calorie, you will lose some weight on this plan, but as a long term solution, you should keep searching.

By: Wes Hagan

Are you looking for a weight loss option that will serve as a body detox? If so, you should investigate the most popular detox diet of all time, the Lemonade Cleansing Diet. You can read one woman’s experience with the diet at Visit now to see how she did!