The Chocolate Diet


You’ve heard of the South Beach Diet, the Hollywood Diet, and of course, the Atkins Diet.

Well, I’m starting my own new diet. It’s called the Chocolate Diet. The kind of diet where you can lose weight and still eat chocolate every day.

Diets that don’t include chocolate don’t work. Slip up once with a candy bar and your diet is out the window.

Cutting cocoa is not rational. If you give up chocolate, you might as well give up your diet. Depriving yourself of this delight can cause you to leave your diet all together.

Why give up chocolate, anyway? It’s good for you!

Yes, I said it. It’s good for you. Research suggests dark chocolate, rich in anti-oxidants, may lower bad cholesterol.

And don’t forget about its mood lifting properties– you can practically call it an anti-depressant.

So how does the Chocolate Diet work? 2 ounces of dark chocolate per day. That’s 100 calories, folks. Will that alone cause you to lose weight?

I like to tell myself that, but no. But it will add a little sanity to your pain-staking regimen of exercise and calorie counting. It can help you actually keep your diet if your diet consists of chocolate every day, right?

So if you’re going on a diet, don’t exclude chocolate from it. Go on the Chocolate Diet. Exercise, eat sensibly, and eat chocolate every day.