The Beyonce’s Lemonade Diet – How She Easily Shed 20 Pounds


Would you like to lose 20 pounds in less than 10 days? And at the same time, flush your body off deadly toxins that have been clogging your colon for years? Then the Beyonce’s Lemonade diet is for you?

To prepare for her starring role in the hit movie, “Dreamgirls”, Beyonce attempted the Master Cleanse to shed those extra pounds. She lost an amazing 20 pounds quickly in 10 short days.

Ever since her stunning revelation on Oprah, many other celebrities including, Robins Quivers, co-host of The Howard Stern Show had lost 70 pounds while on a more elaborate lemonade diet program. She credits her rapid weight loss and renewed health to the Master Cleanse program.

So what is the lemonade diet all about that’s having so many celebrities raving about? Why wouldn’t they just use weight loss pills to lose those extra weight? Why all the trouble to be on a 10 day diet?

Unlike most diets which focus only on weight loss, the Master Cleanse is technically not a diet but a cleansing program which focuses on detoxification. Invented and used by Stanley Burroughs in 1941, the lemonade diet has been quietly providing health relief and rapid weight loss to anyone who’s willing to try it for 10 short days.

Unlike costly weight loss pills which might have permanent side effects, the Master Cleanse is going to cost you pennies with all the ingredients easily found at your local grocery store.

The only drawback is that the transition from the big, fat American diet to a 10 day liquid diet might be grueling for some. Fortunately, veteran Master Cleanser, Katie Jones has written an effective, sturdy manual to bring you through the lemonade diet with extreme and quick ease.

Her best-selling “Master Cleanse Insider” is used by newbies and veteran Master Cleansers before they start on the 10 day cleanse program.

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