Tests to Diagnose Obesity

Diagnosing Obeisty Tests to Diagnose Obesity

How is Obesity Diagnosed?

There are certain tests to diagnose obesity.

  • If you visit your doctor because of your weight problem, he or she is likely to review your health history.
  • You will undergo a physical exam and take some tests to confirm the diagnosis of obesity.

The doctor will look for what might be contributing to your weight problem and see if there are any complications.

You will be taking tests to diagnose obesity, which usually include:

Your health history.

The doctor reviews your weight history and looks at your previous weight-loss efforts, eating habits, what kind of other conditions you have had, stress levels, and other health issues you might be having.

The doctor also looks at family history, which might indicate a predisposition to certain conditions.

Your BMI.

The doctor will calculate your body mass inventory (BMI). This indicates your level of obesity. It also indicates any other health problems you might have and appropriate treatment.

Waist circumference.

Fat that is stored around your waist is called visceral or abdominal fat. This may further increase your risk for diabetes and heart disease.

  • For women, a waist measurement of more than 35 inches may indicate the possibility of greater health risks than women with smaller measurements.
  • For men, the waist measurement is 40 inches.

General physical exam.

This is a standard exam which checks your height and vital signs, such as heart rate, blood pressure, and temperature. The doctor will also listen to your lungs and heart and examine your abdomen.

Laboratory tests.

What kind of tests you take depends on your health and risk factors.

These tests might include a blood count (CBC), cholesterol test and other blood fats, liver function tests, fasting glucose, thyroid test, and other tests depending on your health.

The doctor might recommend an electrocardiogram, which is a specific heart test.

These are the tests to obesity. Having this information helps you and your doctor determine how much weight you should lose.

The information will also indicate what health conditions and risks you have.

All this will help you and your doctor develop an effective treatment plan.