Shocking Facts You Should Know About The Twelve-Day Grapefruit Diet

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Twelve-Day Grapefruit Diet Review

Imagine if you could lose those extra pounds in less than two weeks? Yeah I know, it’s a dream right?

The twelve-day Grapefruit diet comes to mind because that is what it claims. There is no doubt about the health benefits of eating grapefruit, but can it really help you to lose weight?

Let’s look at what the Grapefruit diet is about.

I always raise my eyebrows at any diet that focuses just on eating one type of food. As the name suggests this diet makes you eat or drink grapefruit at every meal that you consume.

An integral part of the diet is that it limits your calorie intake to 800 calories a day.

With grapefruit or no grapefruit in your meal, I think that anybody who consumes only 800 calories will lose weight.

As with most diets, it also limits other foods that you are allowed to eat.

Foods in The Grapefruit Diet

The grapefruit diet is meant to be followed for 12 days, after which you take 2 days off, and then it is resumed for 12 more days, and so on.

The same pattern will be followed until you reach your weight loss goal.

During the 12 days while you are on the diet, you are forbidden to eat any of these vegetables:

  • tomatoes,
  • green beans,
  • lettuce, peas,
  • cucumbers as well as
  • celery.

If you are like me, you might find it hard to maintain the diet. However, for someone who only has a few pounds to lose, it could work for them. It has too many restrictions and it would be unwise to use it as a regular eating plan.

What are the actual benefits to eating grapefruit? We know and we have been told that fruit is good for us, right?

So it is the same with grapefruit. It is low in calories and it contains vitamin C. For people who have diabetes, grapefruit is a bonus for them. It is said to decrease the amount of insulin in the bloodstream which is a huge plus. Grapefruit has also been associated with colon cleansing.

As if that wasn’t enough, grapefruit also helps control cholesterol. One of the biggest causes of heart disease is cholesterol, so grapefruit essentially helps you to avoid heart disease.

  • It is even suggested that grapefruit helps fight cancer because of its ability to repair DNA, but this benefit is yet to be proven.
  • Besides all these amazing extra benefits, the basic benefits of consuming grapefruit are enough to want you to include it in your diet.
  • It has not only vitamin C, but it also contains fiber, folic acid and potassium which are all good for your body.

In my opinion it is not a good idea to participate on a diet that focuses on one type of food and has a lot of restrictions, especially not on the long term. However, grapefruit has a lot of health benefits and it should be included in everybody’s diet.

It definitely would be great if it were used for a snack. I don’t know about you, but I am definitely going to peel myself one right now.



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