Research on Obesity Health Risks


One of the most dangerous health problems plaguing Americans today is Obesity. In fact, America has the highest rate of obesity compared to other countries in the world. Approximately 32% of the United States population is considered obese and, as a result, almost 365,000 Americans die each year from some type of complication due to obesity. There are many complications and illnesses which can negatively affect a person’s health.

Obesity is responsible for a long list of illnesses and health. A few of these health complications include hyper tension, high cholesterol, certain cancers, and type 2 diabetes. Health issues such as strokes, sleep apnea and coronary artery disease are often associated with obesity as well. There are many factors which increase chances of diseases in an obese person. Alcohol, smoking, and high blood pressure due to a poor diet increase the chances of life threatening illnesses in those who are obese. Uncontrollable factors such as age, gender, and genetics all play a part in which illnesses one will get from being obese. However, scientists believe that both diet and lack of exercise are the leading causes of obesity and these are two factors that can be controlled.

Obesity is on the rise in this country and it is due to a poor diet and poor food choices. Fast food places are inexpensive and now provide healthier choices on their food menu. Unfortunately, it is still far too easy, and way too tempting, to buy unhealthy meals when eating out. Most weight gain comes from an increase in extra calories. The source of these extra calories is more from carbohydrates than fats. Believe it or not, the source of these carbohydrates comes from soft drinks and other sweet beverages, which account for approximately 25% of daily caloric intake in young adults.

In the early 1980’s during the Reagan administration, restrictions on advertising unhealthy foods targeting the youth had decreased resulting in an increase of ads featuring sugary snacks and fast foods directed towards children. To make matters worse, the U.S. farm bill has helped decrease the price of corn, wheat, soy, and rice making them the primary ingredients in processed foods. As a result, fast food and processed foods remain convenient, readily accessible, relatively cheap (compared to fresh fruits and vegetables), and tempting to buy.

A poor diet is not the only culprit in the cause of obesity, a sedentary lifestyle plays and important role as well. Scientists have observed that people who are of a normal weight tend to fidget more than those who are overweight. This fact remains true even when people of normal weight eat more and when overweight people eat less. In 2000 the Center for Disease Control conducted a study on physical activity. They concluded that 40% of Americans were sedentary, 30% were somewhat active, and 30% engage in a sufficient amount of daily physical activity. Over the years there tends to be a decrease in physical activity in the U.S. whenever there is an increase in advanced technology, modes of transportation, urbanization and expansion of suburbs.

From this information it is no surprise that the rate of obesity continues to rise. Since the 1970’s, the rate of obesity has increased from 14% to a stunning 32% today. Obesity is the leading cause of preventable deaths in the United States today. By consulting with a doctor those who are obese can plan to take corrective action and prevent the diseases that are caused by obesity. With this in mind everyone can take responsibility for their own health and well being by creating a safe plan to lose weight. As a result, a healthy diet and plenty of exercise are the keys to a healthier and happier life.