

The setting should be peaceful. The therapist takes a case history of past and present health and current lifestyle. The treatment itself as it progresses should reveal any other problems. The therapy can be quite safely and effectively practiced by a non therapist if a trained professional is not available.

The person who is to receive the therapy should be seated in a comfortable position, barefoot and with the legs supported.

Clean and dry both feet thoroughly before checking them for corns, calluses, swelling, deformities, and anything else that might be painful to the touch. Relax the feet by stroking them as you talk. Starting with the toes, work down the length of each foot to the heel, including the top and sides. Both feet should be worked on simultaneously. A full reflexology session usually lasts between 45 and 60 minutes. Most therapists agree that for bet results a number of treatments are essential, and should take place on a regular weekly basis.

To do reflexology on one’s own feet is extremely difficult, but shoes, mats, rollers, and brushes that stimulate the reflexes are widely available as a method of self help.

While in self treatment you do not benefit from a transfer of energy from the reflexologist to the person being massaged, it is very useful as preventive therapy and in times of emergency,

Douglas Adams is the owner of All , a website dedicated to increasing knowledge of health related issues.

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