Reduce Obesity Via Surgery


In today’s cosmopolitan world being thin is an asset and being fat is a ban. In the true sense being in the ideal weight range and having adequate energy to perform your duties is the best situation. But India is following a trend of other developing countries that are steadily becoming more obese.

Urbanization and rising income have replaced physical activity with servant and appliances, desk jobs have increased and manual work has decreased. This results in excess calories and accumulation of fat in the body. Getting fit and looking great is among most people’s to do list and if we analyze internationally the trends of fitness is caching up and people are more aware and open to opt for latest new world technologies which are medically correct and proven to deliver fast and long term results in getting back to shape. These help to fasten the results and keep one’s motivation up to get the desired results. Following are a few latest new world technologies which can help in figure correction and body sculpting in a faster and healthier manner.

The latest technologies used to treat conditions are:

Weight Loss Surgery:

If you are overweight or obese, and have failed multiple diets, then you might be considering surgical treatments that could help you lose the weight and keep it off.

Most patients who undergo gastric bypass, or some form of gastric banding procedure, do lose weight. Many lose a lot of weight. But this massive weight loss brings problems of its own.

Bariatric Surgery:

Bariatric Surgery also termed as Weight Loss Surgery or Obesity surgery is option to those men and women who have tried all means of losing weight, like exercise and dieting. It is a secure and successful form of treatment for too much weight problems as many satisfied patients will confirm. However, it is not something that you go into lightly. We have put together a comprehensive guide to obesity surgery which is designed to help and advise you. This is a serious decision and one that will permanently change your life so it is imperative that you have all the information you need before making that decision.

Obesity Surgery:

Obesity Surgery is not only meant for flaunting those skinny models like looks, rather it’s a procedure which protects you from several other life diseases. Since, Bariatric Surgery gives you the shape you crave for since long and procedure involve, and hence also considered as Cosmetic Surgery.

Gastric Bypass Surgery:

A gastric bypass is a multipart procedure which involves dividing the stomach and small intestine. It falls into the limiting/mala absorptive category of obesity surgery and involves two stages – reducing the volume of the stomach to restrict food intake and then, rearranging the small intestine to affect the absorption of food.

There are two techniques available for gastric bypass:

• Open surgery

• laparoscopic surgery

Laparoscopic surgery:

Minimally invasive surgery (MIS) is also known as laparoscopic surgery. It is done using specialized instruments, miniature cameras with microscopes, tiny fiber-optic flashlights and high definition monitors through punctured holes that require only a stitch or two to close.

Laparoscopic surgery includes operations within the abdominal or pelvic cavities, whereas keyhole surgery performed on the thoracic or chest cavity is called thoracoscopic surgery. Laparoscopic and thoracoscopic surgery belong to the broader field of endoscopy.

Laparoscopic surgery isn’t for everyone, however. It’s a major procedure that has risks and side effects and requires permanent changes in your lifestyle. Before deciding to have Laparoscopic surgery, it’s important to understand what’s involved and what lifestyle changes you must make. In large part, the success of the surgery is up to you.

Sneha is an author on which is which is a site for Reduce Obesity For more, Call us Today… @ +91 9811321440