Protein Diets and Weight Loss

High protein low carb diets meals foods recipes

Protein diets and weight loss have been a hot topic for quite some time. With many different views on the merits of high or low protein used for a successful weight.

What is protein, and how is so important to our health and diet plan. Protein and is one of the basic building blocks of the human body, and plays a major role in all of the cells and most of the fluids in our bodies.

Protein consists of approx 20 percent of our total body weight and connective tissue are mainly made up of protein

The body’s protein needs depend on age, size, and activity level, and it is generally accepted that a healthy person needs 40-60 grams of protein each day to remain in good health.

One of the most popular high protein diet plans, was the Atkins Diet, popular in the early 90’s.where both celebrities and dieticians alike sang it praises, for its phenomenal success in shedding those unwanted pounds in record time.

This was based on a high protein-low crab diet plan to create a state of ketosis that happens when the reduction carbohydrate intake forces the body to start breaking down the fats stored for energy.

However the high protein, low carbohydrate regime, as advocated by Dr Atkins began to fall out of favour because most folks found that they could not live without their pasta or bread.

Also experts warned that long term periods of ketosis can be dangerous to kidneys and liver. Therefore high protein low carbohydrate diets are not recommended for longer than 14 days.

For those considering a high protein low carb diet, it would be a good idea to include smaller amounts of carbs, which would mean ketosis takes place to a much safer degree and you’ll lose weight gradually but effectively, and therefore likely to remain on you diet plan far longer.

Dietary experts have also warned that high-protein diets for weight loss can, in prolonged use, lead to serious liver and kidney problems.

On the other hand, low protein diets also carry their own hazard warnings.

Decreasing protein in the diet may also mean a reduction in calories. However, if your diet is insufficient in protein, you could also be deficient in many important vitamins, minerals and amino acids, required to sustain a healthy body.

There are two essential amino acids produced by the protein which encourage the body to burn body fat.

These are called Methionine and Lysine.

Combined they produce a third amino acid called Carnitine, which helps carry fatty acids from the blood into the cells to be burnt for energy. Enabling us to lose unwanted fat.

A healthy balanced diet should provide all the necessary amino acids required for good health and fat burning potential.

Although our bodies are good at “recycling” protein, we use up protein constantly, so it is important to continually replace it.

Therefore it’s important to maintain adequate protein intakes when following any protein diets and weight loss program.

Information contained in this article is not meant to replace professional advice.

IMPORTANT: Always check with your physician before starting any weight loss or exercise program.