Overcoming Weight Loss Obstacles: Eating Habits

Weight Loss Obstacles Breaking Bad Eating Habits

Weight Loss Obstacles – Breaking Bad Eating Habits

Weight loss in general can be a very challenging journey. There are a few factors that can make the process impossible. Half the battle is knowing that you have to overcome them. How many of these things are hampering you? Are your bad eating habits making it hard for you to lose weight?

Bad eating habits are a sign of stress and lack of discipline. Since this is unsightly to look at, you need to get rid of the habit as soon as possible!

How to Overcome Bad Eating Habits


Starving and Stuffing

The Problem: Your body has natural hunger signals that you shouldn’t ignore. Starving yourself all day only to binge at night throws your natural cycle off. When the body is deprived of food for more than a few hours, blood-sugar levels nosedive, which triggers your brain to crave carbs and junk food.

The Fix:

– Plan all of your meals in advance; this means both the food as well as the timing
– Eat some sort of protein at every meal to keep you full throughout the day
– Don’t let yourself get too hungry – always have healthy snacks handy to tide you over in between meals

Mindless Eating

The Problem: This happens a lot when if you snack while working or watching TV. Once second you’ve got a full bag of pretzels and the next you’ve finished them all. If you’re not paying attention to what you eat, you’re more likely to overeat.

The Fix:

– Don’t do anything else while eating; set aside time that is dedicated to eating
– Only stock healthy things in your house or office; it’s better to mindlessly eat apples than cookies
– Never eat out of the package. Buy individual portions or portion out a large bag into sandwich bags according to the recommended serving size.

Cheat Meals

The Problem: One thing that always trips people up is the thought that they have worked so hard they deserve a reward. The concept is strong; the downfall is when you reward yourself with food. Food is fuel, not a reward, and the calories for a cheat meal usually rack up to the thousands!

The Fix:

– Pick rewards that don’t have anything to do with food. Get make-up or a massage.

– You should not deprive yourself of the foods you love. Just make sure that you only eat them when you really really really need them, and make sure that they fit into your meal plan. If your plan is to have two 150 calorie snacks a day then try to eat only half of your favorite 300 calorie cookie.