Optimum Nutrition Serious Mass Gainer Reviews

Optimum Nutrition Serious Mass Gainer Protein Powder

Review of Mass Gainer Protein Powder by Optimum Nutrition

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What is Serious Mass?

Optimum Nutrition Serious Mass is a weight gainer formula by Optimum Nutrition.

Serious Mass is a hardcore weight gainer which is literally bursting at the seams with calories.

How Mass Gainer Can Help You

— The ULTIMATE weight gain formula.
— Add serious mass with 1,250 quality calories per shake.
— Support muscle growth with 50 g of proteins and 250 g of carbs per serving.
— Enjoy between meals, post-workout &/or before bed.

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How Many Calories are in Serious Mass?


— Each serving contains 1,250 calories to help reach the caloric surplus needed to gain weight.

Optimum Nutrition Serious Mass contains Maltodextrin which is a relatively cheap carb source, a protein blend, and a few other ingredients.

Serious Mass Gainer is loaded with 1,250 Calories, 250g of Carbs, and 25 Vitamins and Minerals to Pack on Pounds.

The nutritional profile of Optimum Nutrition Serious Mass is far superior to competing brands, making it excellent value for money in my book.


How Much Muscle Can You Put On in A Month?

Are you a hard gainer or ectomorph looking to put on weight and add some serious muscle to your frame?

Optimum Nutrition Serious Mass is the perfect supplement for you.

If you follow a sensible, structured diet and training program, a 150-pound beginner fitness enthusiast in Aragon’s model can potentially gain 18-27 pounds of lean muscle per year.

— A 170-pound intermediate fitness enthusiast can potentially gain 10-15 pounds of muscle.

Optimum Nutrition Serious Mass is overflowing with calories, protein, carbs, as well as other muscle building goodies, and provides excellent value for money.

Serious Mass also works very well as an MRP if you’re the kind of person who struggles to get a proper meal at every sitting.


How Good is Optimum Nutrition Serious Mass?

— Ultimately, if you’re consistent with your diet and training while using Serious Mass, you will almost definitely see significant results.

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Read the full review of Optimum Nutrition Serious Mass at https://www.weight-loss-trust.com/optimum-nutrition-serious-mass-gainer-reviews