Obesity Statistics and What They Mean

Obesity statistics in USA fat people

Take a look at these figures:

It is believed that the US has more than 145 million obese people. Of these, 5% are morbidly obese. More than 40% of men and 35% of women are considered to be obese both in the UK and Australia.

When you look at the age-wise breakup, obesity statistics have an interesting tale to tell. 29% of men and 28% of women are obese in the age group 15-25. This number triples in the older age group of 45-60. This means that the threat of obesity increases with age. Another survey showed that people who were obese in their twenties were almost always obese throughout their lives.

Indications suggest that the world at large is heading for an obesity epidemic by the year 2020. America, UK and Australia are the forerunners in the obesity race.

The obesity statistics in children are equally worrying. It is believed that childhood obesity has tripled itself in the last 20 years. As on date, one in every six children in the US is considered to be highly overweight or obese.

In the United Kingdom, more than 15% of children below the age of 15 are obese. In Australia, cases of childhood diabetes are increasing.

Obesity statistics indicate that the current generation and the one following it are highly vulnerable to weight gain.

There are many reasons for this. High calorie food combined with low levels of activity lead to people putting on lots of extra weight. However, many people do not act to lose weight until it is too late. It is very difficult for an obese person to lose weight, simply because they may be suffering from obesity related diseases or may find it extremely difficult to control their eating habits.

Obesity is a killer. Unusually high amounts of fat in the body lead to a number of dangerous health conditions like diabetes, high cholesterol levels, heart problems and even certain kinds of cancer. It is believed that losing 10% of your body weight reduces your chances of getting diabetes by 20%.

The only way to fight the obesity epidemic is by losing weight. Losing weight can make you look good, feel better and live healthy. Of course, it is not easy to lose weight. But if you follow the right weight loss techniques, it need not be very difficult either.

To derive consistent results from your weight loss efforts, it is important to follow the right weight loss strategies. Fad diets will only make your problem worse.