Nutrition Weight Loss – How To Loose Weight Rapidly – Muscle Weight

Fast weight loss gain muscle

Nutrition To Lose Weight Gain Muscle

Are you ready? I’m about to share with you 4 awesome ways to lose the fat… fast fast fast!

So you wanna know how to lose weight. Of course you do. Everywhere you look there’s an ad for a skinny little miss thing wearing the cutest fashions.

And I bet you wanna look ‘just like her’ don’t you. Well we’ll get you close. REAL close! Even if you weren’t born with her ridiculously high cheekbones we’ll get you just as hot I know you can be (which is pretty darn hot!).

And it’s a TON easier than you think! So what are we waiting for. Here are the Top 4 Tricks That Destroy FAT every time!

When thinking about losing weight many people automatically think of going on a ‘diet’ as one of the main ways to lose weight. However many diets require making difficult and hard to follow changes to what we eat forcing us to give up our favorite foods and for most of us makes us think about food more than we would normally.

Here are five simple tips that have helped me lose weight without resorting to ‘dieting’.

If you have excessive weight, life can not only be uncomfortable but also  unhealthy. With the proper guidance, having a lean body is no longer a pipe  dream. Staying hungry in order to shed weight is not necessary. While losing  extra weight rapidly is smart, starving yourself is painful and unpractical.

How to Lose Weight Safely?

One strategy that most people will opt for when they want to lose weight fast  is crash diets and fad diets. This is obviously not a good decision. These will  work but their effects are not long-term. They can also result in serious health  concerns.

Vigorous exercise programs will not help you in reducing weight. These will  help you gain energy but will not help burn more weight. Secondly, you are  likely to become exhausted before too long. The best way to get more results  from exercising is taking simple exercises that you can stick to for a long  time, and doing them for longer sessions coupled with numerous days per  week.

Why There is Need of Fast Weight Loss?

Being overweight is not only embarrassing and restrictive, but also bad for  health. In many places around the world, being trim is also considered as  stylish and classy. These may be some of the reasons you want to shed those  extra pounds.

If you are craving to lose fat, you need rapid results. You are bound to get  bored if you take a regimen that will not work swiftly for you. But while losing  weight fast is tempting, the results are only temporary. You can take on a fast  weight-loss program to get you on the road for a more long-term approach.


Easy and Fast Ways to Lose Weight:

The following are the different types of weight-loss regimens available;


Weight Loss Diet

Taking lots of fruits and vegetables is a sure way of filling your tummy  while cutting down on calorie intake. Other foods that contain lower calories  include fish, low-fat dairy products, lean meat, and skinless poultry.

For better results, you can also reduce the amount of salt you consume.  Reducing starch and sodium intake can reduce fluid weight. These two increase  the body’s capacity to retain fluids.


Eating less food or fewer meals per day does not reduce weight. The ideal is  to consume regular meals with fewer calories.

Exercising for Fast Weight Loss

Exercising to lose weight is a very effective tool. It aids by helping  increase your activity level as well as your metabolic rate. The ideal regime  for weight loss is aerobic exercise. While anaerobic exercises may be good in  increasing your energy levels, they do little to help burn fat in that the  cardio-vascular system does not receive the amount of oxygen required.


Different exercise programs will have different results to different people.  The ideal thing before embarking on an exercise regimen is to consult your  doctor or a gym instructor.

Fad Diets and Crash Diets

These have been known to produce almost instant results that don’t last. The  in-thing is to consume lots of food with very low calories. Since these diets  cannot be consumed for long, the weight lost is regained almost as fast as it  was lost.

Precautions to be taken

Fad diets and crash diets are hazardous and should only be used for a limited  period only. Sometimes, they may produce undesired results by making the body  store any available fats. The best time for using these diets is when rapid  weight loss is really needed, or as a starter for other weight-loss  programs.

Reduce your calorie intake

Perhaps the most important step in reducing the amount of calories you take  starts with your shopping. Avoid buying highly refined or canned foods and go  for whole-grain and fresh produce.

Knowing which foods have more calories can also be of benefit to your eating  habits. By avoiding sugary and fatty foods, you cut down on your calorie intake.  Drinking lots of water can reduce your craving for sodas and other soft drinks  which have lots of calories.

Precautions to be taken

Avoiding foods that are high in calories can be painful if you love them.  Eliminating these completely from your diet will only increase your craving for  them. For example, if you love potato chips or red meat, it is better to arrange  on how you can eat them for a few times per week. You can also substitute with  low-calorie foods, like fish instead of red meat.

High Doses of supplement

Supplements for weight loss come in a variety of types and shapes. Mostly,  they are fiber or protein supplements. Fiber supplements work by making you feel  full while supplying your body with minimal calories. Some fibers are also known  to absorb a lot of water and hence fill your tummy faster. Fibers, both soluble  and insoluble, also have a wide range of other benefits for the body.

Protein supplements help in reducing calorie intake largely by increasing the  amount of proteins one consumes per day. This in turn makes you reduce the  amount of carbohydrates you eat in that day.

Precautions to be taken

While some weight loss supplements may work with some  people, care should be taken not to consume dangerous levels. Acquiring them  from reputed suppliers is also important as some unscrupulous suppliers sell  slimming pills as supplements.


Apart from dieting and exercise, are methods of losing weight are also  available. These include slimming pills, Spa, Sauna, Mineral wrap, Liposuction  and herbal remedies. Most of these will also have almost instant results. But as  earlier stated, their effect will only be short-term.

What these strategies do is to aid or instruct the body to break down the  stored fat. When the program is stopped, the body then reverts to normal and the  discarded fat is restored.

Precautions to be taken

Some weight loss alternatives can be harmful to some individuals. Products  and services that don’t come from reputable institutions should be avoided.

Side effects of Quick weight loss

Your body has a limit on how much fat you can burn per week. If you try to  force it to burn more than this, it may switch over to burning lean muscle. This  will not only produce negative results but is also bad for your health.

Consuming packed quick results diets may lead to nausea and other undesired  results. This comes from the fact that the foods are strange for your system. It  also happens that they lack in sufficient essential minerals, making it  dangerous to rely on them for long.

Final Words

The only side effects of slow weight loss are that it will take you more time  to achieve your ideal body weight. But there is a great temptation in trying to  emulate or copy other people who have lost in less time.

Patience is the key. If you want to lose 30 kg, losing at the rate of 2 lbs  per week is fast enough if you are bound to maintain your new weight. Therefore,  life-long habits that will lead to better health as well are the solution for  weight loss.