Meridia (Sibutramine) ? Do Away with Excess Weight


Obesity is a condition whereby the affected person has excess weight. The cause of such excess weight may be due to physical infirmities or it may be a side effect of some other disease. Generally, such excess weight is caused due to excess eating, lack of physical exercise, thyroid problems and low metabolic rate, among others. Being overweight impacts nearly all aspects of the person’s life: little or no social life, inferiority complex, social withdrawal, diminished sex drive, etc. Apart from this, obesity leads to serious complications like heart disease, blood pressure problems and diabetes among others.

How to use Meridia
Sibutramine should be taken only as prescribed by your health care professional. Meridia dosage should not be altered under any circumstances. Any deviation from the directions of your health care professional may have a snowballing effect. Visit your doctor regularly, to assess the effect of the medication. Blood tests need to be taken and heart rate needs to be monitored on a regular basis, to keep a watch on any unusual developments. Along with medication, it is very essential to follow the dietary and lifestyle changes advised by your health care professional.

Meridia Precautions
Before you start generic Meridia use, some important dos and don’ts must be observed:

•    It essential that if you are taking any of the following medications, then your health care professional must be informed about them.
Xanax (alprazolam), Alli (orlistat), metformin, amitriptyline, omeprazole, atenolol, Cymbalta (duloxetine), hydrochlorothiazide, Prozac (fluoxetine), Klonopin (clonazepam), Lyrica (pregabalin), phentermine, Pristiq (desvenlafaxine) and atenolol among others.
•    The details of the medications to which you may be allergic to should be made known to your health care professional before you start Meridia use.
•    Alcohol consumption should be substantially cut down on, whilst taking this medication.
•    Medication meant for allergy, cold or cough should be avoided.
•    This medication may slow down your thinking or reflexes, thus any work or activity which requires alertness should be performed with caution.
•    If you conceive while you are under this treatment, then inform your health care professional immediately.
•    Any conditions such cardiovascular complications, abnormally high blood pressure, eating disorder, history of heart attack or stroke, eye problems, depression, liver disease, kidney disease, etc. – should all be made known to your health care professional before taking Meridia.
•    Do not share Sibutramine with others, even though they may have similar symptoms.

Meridia Contraindications and Usage
Like all medications, there may be a few side effects of Meridia, which are common, such as indigestion, giddiness, nervousness, irregular sleep, headache, etc.
In case any of these serious developments take place, then you need to call your doctor immediately:

•    Irregular pounding heartbeats
•    Lips, face, tongue or throat appearing bloated
•    Distorted vision
•    Hallucinations
•    Pain in the chest
•    Sudden lack of feeling on one side of the body

Sibutramine should be taken as directed by your health care professional. It can be taken with or without meals. Generic Meridia tablet should be taken with sufficient water and when you buy Meridia you should make sure of its proper usage by following the guidelines of your health care professional. The capsule should be swallowed as a whole.

The dosage is normally once daily or as advised by your doctor. After four weeks of this medication, it is expected that the weight reduces by at least 4 pounds. If the weight loss is less, then your health care professional has to be informed accordingly. In the event of missing a Meridia dose, take the next scheduled dose. Do not take double doses of Meridia. This will result in excessive generic Sibutramine being released in the body and this may lead to adverse reactions such as rapid heartbeats, headache and dizziness among others. Meridia should be stored at room temperature of around 25oC and should be kept away from heat and light.