Meditation For Losing Weight


Meditate to Lose Weight

There are several studies showing that meditation for losing weight is working quite well.

Weight loss in said to be helped by the power of your own mind more than any diet that you might try. The mind is really a strong healer, maybe the most powerful one that exists.

Scientists and medical practitioners have started seeing the relationship between the intent of losing weight and using meditation for accomplishing this and several doctors and psychologists are already incorporating various self-hypnosis and meditation techniques with their clients or patients. There are many people who have been helped with weight loss meditations and in fact these meditations can be practiced at home, even without the help of a third party helper. This is a lot of money saved in the process as well.

So how can you use meditation for weight loss if you are struggling with a helpless dieting problem?

Creative visualization meditation using one of the easy meditation postures such as simply sitting in a chair or cross legged on the floor is one of the most powerful ones for dieting. Basically when you are are stressed, you are eating to compensate for your agitated state of mind. Once you start meditating, you release your stress, which means that the extra food craving is no longer there, or at least, the urge to eat is not as strong as before. And this is the first step to truly lose weight. Creative visualization means that when you are meditating with your eyes closed, you are basically visualizing yourself slim, healthy and happy, in the way you want to become.

  • In your mind’s eye you are passing along a store window and you are looking at your own reflection.
  • This image shows a beautiful person, slim and without a worry in the world. T
  • he person is energetic, healthy and feeling light.
  • You notice that there is a new vigor in your step.

This type of meditation is in direct contrast with the usual mental images we have in our mind. Let’s face it, we always imagine ourselves fat, ugly, not loved by anyone and in turn this image makes us depressed and feeling constantly in a bad mood.

  • And in turn, this bad mood brings us doubts that we can actually do it.
  • And these doubts bring with them stress which makes us crave food, and the negative cycle goes on and on.

The creative visualization above (or anything similar to this) cuts this catch 22, breaks this negative cycle and helps us find ourselves again. It helps us start fresh with our goal in mind, the goal that will serve use well in our quest to lose weight and get our slim waistline back.