Meal Replacement Diets for Dieters


Meal replacement is condition when we replace our normal meal with a substitution meal. These substitution meals might be a healthy organic diet or meal replacement products like meal replacement shakes. Meal replacement also is a quick and convenient way to get lots of high quality nutrients like vitamins, minerals and also protein. Meal replacement diets consist of formulated food like meal replacement shakes, meal replacement bars, dieting soup and chocolates. Most of the meal replacement foods are low in calories and high in health values.

The effect of meal replacement diets

As what I mentioned earlier, natural food diet consisting of organic food especially like fruits, vegetables, wheat grass, brown rice etc. However meal replacement diets are much simpler. Meal replacement food like meal replacement shakes and diet soup are offered in convenient packing. You are not required to practice any difficult steps for preparing it. Thus you also not required to calculate yourself for the daily calories intake when you use meal replacement food for substituting your lunch. Comparing to organic food diet, meal replacement food diet is much more convenient.

Are Meal Replacement products healthy?

Most of the meal replacement foods like meal replacement shakes are considered organic food. Organic in terms of they are constructed based on natural ingredients. However they are some expert commented that meal replacement foods are not 100% organic. They still consist of chemicals that might harm our body. Some meal replacement food like meal replacement bar is considered less nutritious as they contain high quantity of sugar.

About meal replacement shake

Meal replacement shakes or weight loss shakes is a kind of soy nutrition drink that used to substitute your meal. They contain high quantity of nutrients especially protein and carbohydrate. Protein is for muscle building and carbohydrate is for providing you energy during the meal replacement diets period. At this point of time, meal replacement shakes has been recognized as one of the most effective diet food for dieters. However you should be selective when getting a meal replacement shakes for your diet plan. As they are many of them in the market are not meeting the safety guideline fixed by the state health authority.

About meal replacement bar

If you need a snack for diet, then meal replacement bar is your ideal choice. People called meal replacement bar as power bar as they contain energy for dieters during their diet period. Meal replacement bar is delicious and chewy, there are made of interesting ingredients like nuts, corn, grain and also flavored like chocolate and vanilla. Meal replacement bar considered as the most convenient type of meal replacement food. You dare not need any complicated steps for preparing it. They are ready to eat anytime that you like.

Advantages of Meal Replacement products

Meal replacement food creates lots of convenience for you. They are easy to take and convenient to prepare. Meal replacement food also portable in terms of you can carry them without any burden and worry to wherever you like. Plus you can easily control the calories taking through meal replacement food like meal replacement shakes. If we did a rough calculation, a cup of meal replacement shakes only consists of 60-100 kcal. You will also not taking extra portion of food if you restricted yourself for taking meal replacement food only.

Disadvantages of Meal replacement products

Some meal replacement products provide insufficient quantity of nutrients. This might caused malnutrition for the dieters if they have been taking these meal replacement foods for a period. Besides, experts believe that meal replacement food will cause dieters to become lazy in long term. There will be too depending on the products comparing for preparing their own food. This is dangerous as some meal replacement food like meal replacement shake is not encouraged to take more than 6 months time consecutively. Thus we never know if these meal replacement foods do contain any sight effects in long term.

Who suits meal replacement diets?

If you are obese, then you are strongly encouraged to go for a healthy meal replacement diets. However, if you intend to lose weight quick you can also considered implementing meal replacement diets. Meal replacement diets also useful for people who have no time to prepare their food and struggle for controlling the portion of the food they take. Meal replacement shakes for example is convenient to prepare. What you need to do is just preparing a shaker and get ready with some plain water.

People that shouldnt take meal replacement diets

If you are skinny enough, then you should keep away yourself from any meal replacement diets. Meal replacement foods like meal replacement shakes and meal replacement bar should become the additional nutritional food for you but not to replace your normal meal. Same too If you are food lovers, then you should not suitable for taking any meal replacement diets.