Massage – You Can Do it yourself


It is not uncommon for people to be unaware that they can derive the benefits of massage without paying to visit a masseuer but rather undertake a session of do it yourself massage. By understanding the basic hand movements of massage, anyone can start to benefit from the natural cures it offers.

Unfortunately, due to cost or time available, we are not always able to receive relief from a trained massage therapist during a session. It can be a very profound experience learning to reconnect with your body just by yourself. By understanding and learning the basics of massage touch, you can undertake different methods yourself and benefit from opportunities of natural relief that massage provides.

Qi Gong Tapping is a form of self-massage is commonly used by many Qi Gong and Tai Chi practitioners while warming up before their meditative practices. This can be adopted as a method to energise yourself first thing in the morning or perhaps before a physical workout. Start by forming your hands into a loose fist so that you can firmly tap your body from head to toe along the meridian pathways. The first step is to tap along your arms both inside and oustside. Then tap your torso down the front of your chest, continuing down to the front of your thighs. Repeat the tapping on the inside, outside, and back of your legs to cover the entire lower body. Finally, tap along your neck and behind your back to cover the remaining areas. This practice can be repeated several times, until your feel your body warm up from the increased blood flow. Remember, one of the benefits of massage is to facilitate the increase in blood flow.

Discover the secret to heal, improve, relieve, relax, even arouse just with the power of your hands. The beneficial effects of the various massage therapies available are too often ignored as a natural method of easing common ailments. Discover how you can harness the power of your hands and be able to massage with confidence at