Losing Tummy Weight After Pregnancy – When Will It Come Off?

Exercising after pregnancy delivery

Losing tummy weight after pregnancy is hard. You spend 9 months doing everything you can to make sure that the baby inside you is healthy, not worried at all about yourself. After you have had the baby, you realize that in the process you gained quite a bit of weight.

You should not lose your heart: losing weight after you pregnancy is not only possible but it’s actually not very problematic as well. You just have to be tolerant and regular in your struggles and the outcome will be in front of you very soon.

It is not sensible to follow the weight loss guidelines that can actually fasten the whole process of weight loss. As an alternative, follow diet with low fats combined with some physical exercise is one good technique to lose weight at an average speed. Other things that you can follow are as follows:

How can you lose the tummy weight after pregnancy? Here are three tips to start you on the right direction.

Tip 1 – Breastfeed Your Baby

Not only is breastfeeding the best thing that you can do for your baby, it is also the best way to lose weight after pregnancy. All of the calories that your little one eats come directly from you. Breastfeed as much as you can, trying not to supplement with formula if at all possible. This is a one time chance to lose the vast majority of your baby weight quickly, so don’t pass it up!

Tip 2 – Slow and Long Term Weight Loss

Certainly! You are not on of those celebrity moms, who get into the body shape instantly after their delivery. In addition, all of them are always surrounded by the fitness professionals, dietitians and nurses who are there to take care of them all the time.

Most essentially, it’s also owing to their advertisement and other commercial promises, for that reason they are made to lose weight much faster as compared to the others new mothers. Thus, you should not set their example, in order to lose weight after pregnancy.

Tip 3 – Eat Healthy Diet

Sounds obvious right? But with the stress of being a new mom, and trying to take care of all of your baby’s needs, it can be hard to find time to take care of yourself.

Try to eat a balanced diet, staying away from processed foods. Also, eating 4 or 5 smaller meals will not only help you to lose weight, but it will help with your milk production as well.

Tip 4 – Start Exercising

Be reasonable about when you start, as your body may not be up to exercise right away so it is important to listen to your body for this one. Usually by 4 weeks you will feel up to exercising.

Start small and get back into the swing of things. A daily walk is a great way to start. As you feel your body getting back to normal, ad in some low to moderate intensity core exercises.

It is not sensible to follow the weight loss guidelines that can actually fasten the whole process of weight loss. As an alternative, follow diet with low fats combined with some physical exercise is one good technique to lose weight at an average speed. 

IMPORTANT: Losing weight after pregnancy can be a little slow procedure, as your body can take some time to come back to the normal after all the hormonal changes.

Remember, heavy exercise and crash diet instantly after your delivery can adversely affect your health.

Give proper time to your body and remember staying healthy is more important than an instant weight loss.