Losing Fat Fast – The Lies And Truth About Low Carb And Low Fat Diets


If you genuinely want to succeed in losing fat fast, you’ll have to take note of the following truth and lies out that there many people seem to believe. Taking the right food is critical because food is the one that will determine whether or not you are fat or thin, therefore it is right to say that food has much more effect than either prescription pills or fat burners out there in the market. The truth is that lack of physical activity does not make you fat. The reason why you are fat or overweight is because you did not eat the right food at the right interval every day. In other words, the contributing factor for you not losing fat fast is that you are using the wrong routine in choosing to eat your food each day. By not taking the right food the right time each day, your body will only take what it needs and store the extra calories as fat tissues.

But here is the good news. You can start losing fat fast if you eat the right foods the right interval on a daily basis. Your body is an intelligent balancing machine which is good in adapting itself by getting rid of calories in direct proportion to the amount you take. A low calorie diet plan will not help you in losing fat fast either. A low calorie diet regime may initially allow some fat loss in the initial few days, after which it will hit a plateau as it causes your body’s fat burning mechanism to slow down. So skipping meals is not the answer. Furthermore, it is very hard to stick to a low carb diet plan. Some low-carb diet plan even forbids you to eat an apple in the first few weeks! Although low carbs dieting plan are still popular, it pretty much never work because it is simply too complicated to comply with for most individuals and they at some point will give up because it is not losing fat fast enough.

It is basically inconceivable to stick to a low carb menu for very long because it drains far too much carbohydrates or energy from your body. A low carb food selection may also deny you of any joy you can get from food, like going to a restaurant for a normal meal occasionally. Low carb diet is not the answer because it tends to make you feel miserable about not having fun with the food you like. It is also typical to see people buying low fat or non fat food at the food store However, a low fat way of living may not help in losing fat fast either. More and more people are getting over weight despite taking low fat food. So it is clear that the answer to losing fat fast just isn’t taking low fat foods alone.

Now that you understand a low carb or a low fat diet won’t help you in losing fat fast, what is? You must recognize that food itself is just acting like a trigger to turn on or turn off your fat burning mechanism in your body. It may be useful to know that eating more offers more health benefits to losing fat than eating less. But as I have already explained, the key is in eating the appropriate type of food in the right pattern.. What you can do is to have a shot at taking smaller meals 5 to 6 times a day for the next 10 days. Spread out your meals uniformly throughout the day and after 10 days, you’ll find yourself slimmer – how’s that for losing fat fast?

By: Aron Powell

To learn more fat burning tips and get instant access to a free ebook to eliminate belly fat quickly and easily, go to http://www.fatburningtriad.com/ now.The author is a fitness coach who is committed to helping real people burn fat fast using a holistic, time-tested approach to successful fat loss that combines goal setting techniques, nutrition and fat burn workouts mistakes you must know to lose fat.