Lose Baby Weight – Fast Weight Loss Tips For New Moms

New Moms How to Lose Baby Weight Fast Losing baby Weight

New Moms: How to Lose Baby Weight Fast

Most new Moms want to lose baby weight, but overloaded, overwhelmed and sleep deprived is no way to get rid of post pregnancy pounds.

Trying to find time to take care of yourself while taking care of a new baby can be difficult, however there are some quick weight loss tips you can use to get rid of the post pregnancy pounds.

Lose Baby Weight – Easy Ways To Lose Baby Weight

1. Get More Sleep

Now, I know that sounds impossible when you’re feeding baby every 2 or 3 hours around the clock, but hear me out.

Medical research has proven that people who sleep less weigh more.

That’s because lack of sleep causes a sharp rise in the hormone cortisol, which plays a major role in controlling fat storage.

What can you do? Take a nap or two with baby during the day. Resist the temptation to clean house or whatever. Get some rest. Your waistline will thank you.

2. Avoid taking medicine if possible

Medications of any kind aren’t good for you. They often make a negative impact on your endocrine system, which helps control metabolism.

Regardless of whether it’s prescription or over the counter, if it’s not absolutely necessary, don’t take it!

3. Snack on yogurt and fruit

Yogurt and fruit is an excellent combination of protein and good carbs to keep your metabolism and energy running high during the day.

But, beware of yogurt sweetened with corn syrup or aspartame.

Your best option is plain non-fat yogurt, the Greek variety if you can find it.

Sweeten it with honey or stevia instead of sugar or chemicals and you’ll lose weight faster.

This isn’t the be all, end all list of weight loss tips.

In fact, it’s only just scratched the surface. If you’re having problems trying to lose baby weight, then put these quick tips to use for a few weeks and you should begin to see a difference.