Lose 30 Pounds in One Month – How to Lose 30 to 40 Pounds in a Month Without Weight Loss Surgery?


For steady results many people opt for the weight loss surgery. But the fact cannot be ignored that such surgery can gift you serious complications in future. To avoid such complications and probable scars it is always advisable that one should opt for healthy measures. Actually, such healthy measures can be cardio workouts, aerobics and low calorie diets. They can help you to lose 30 pounds within a month and that too very easily.

Tips to lose 30 to 40 pounds in a month with weight loss surgery?

1) Low calorie Diet: Losing weight can be a very difficult task. Moreover, if you opt for low calorie diets then you must bear the fact in mind that the result would be temporary. Actually, the moment you return back to your normal eating habits you start gaining weight again.

Here is the list that would help you to pick up the low calorie food items very easily:

* Vegetables are actually almost calorie free. You can opt for broccoli, mushroom, red peppers, watercress, mushroom, boiled potatoes, swede, celery and brussels sprouts.

* Fruits which contain low calories are chayote, melon, apricot, grapefruit and currants etc.

* Meat products which come in very low calories are ground turkey, beef, lean ham, lower fat hot-dogs, white eggs, Canadian bacon and low fat cheese.

2) Cardio Workouts: If you pick up the wrong cardio workouts then instead of getting better results you might end up in lamenting. Thus you need to be very cautious even while selecting the workouts. The best cardio workouts which can help you to lose 30 pounds within a week are as follows:

* Rowing: This is an excellent cardio workout that can help you to develop the strength of your upper body. In fact, this fat burning exercise would help you to lose weight at ease.

* Hiking: This workout can efficiently tone up the lower portion of your body.

* Jogging and Brisk Walking: These work outs have the potential to burn calories at a very steady pace.

* Aerobics: They are simply the most interesting workouts a one can exercise them for long hours without any second thought. Actually, to add more spice you can even add some music in the background. Intensive workout would burn calories in the form of sweat which would ultimately result in weight loss.

By: Anna Holman

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